Monday, October 14, 2024

If you see a flock of birds flying by, and then notice a helicopter in the same airspace, doesn't the helicopter look absurd, as the two images slowly move by?


Smeli nachinaniya. Strakhotna rezolyutsiya. Ukrainski inovatsii.

Molitva za mir v Gaza.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Joyeuse Action-de-grâce!/Happy Thanksgiving! 

Hrabri poduhvati. Zastrašujuća rezolucija. Ukrajinka inovacija. 

Molitva za mir u Gazi.

Saturday, October 12, 2024


e.g wizartiflack-fluel 
encompasswordee-litterminted 🧭
innordyn'est kelvinblimtage 

mattlelephantonka-crutch 🐘
inoperatic tunedramut
acroustuck melodiestrich-niner 
ambiantsy frankensteiner 

streamwork af'fable-icozy 🧛
geniealcove aproprosy
d'ohsy spiritédelixtian
aczensual haikovix'

szechouraganglee tempêstroinka 🌀
coshinchon arboaurabloinka 🌲🐷
acclaimaltitude H. Winkler 😉 

*Many thanks to so many people out there. Thanks for making 2024 such a great year! 🦃

Friday, October 11, 2024

Bis ans Ende der Welt (Until the End of the World)

Fluidly transmitting interactive hybrid tender phenomena, Bis ans Ende der Welt (Until the End of the World) randomly travels around the world.

I can't imagine what it must have been like to exotically film in so many countries, at an accelerated intricate pace kinetically connected universally lithe.

I couldn't watch the entire film in one extended sitting so I divided it into 3 parts, the first two hours, the second two hours, and the last 47 odd minutes.

While I was watching I admired its freedom as it temperamentally trotted the globe, while casually presenting endemic technologies along with brief interrogative artifacts. 

The 4 hour and 47 minute film leaves the viewer full of lighthearted enriching anticipation, comfortably rewarded for investing their time while convivially considering the mischievous details.

Part 1 as accidentally compartmentalized offers a chase as previously mentioned around the world, as a romantic artful passionate soul sets out in search of a would-be lover.

He's stolen some money from her which she borrowed from thieves who stole it from Nice, and as she keeps finding him and he keeps escaping dynamic love blossoms with fugacious flurries.

The second act is much more settled as the lively couple finds rest in Australia, several characters who came along for the ride jocosely joining them then forming a band.

The destruction of a nuclear satellite has knocked out communications around the world, with practically no machines in working order it's time to jam sit back and enjoy life.

The last act sees the principal characters become addicted to an ingenious device (global power restored), which records your dreams and plays them back for you to freely watch throughout your day.

Unfortunately, the dreams become reality and those taking part refuse to do anything else but watch them.

Drifting into cerebral psychosis. 

Like turtles all the way down. 🐢

If searching for an offbeat romance that celebrates active unorthodox lives, improvisationally following their own distinct paths, Bis ans Ende der Welt is worth seeing for sure.

My favourite scenario was the chillaxed jam where music reimagines being and nothingness.

Reminded me of old times in the countryside.

Laidback livin'.

Kitchen jams.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Saw something new today.

I was looking up a film to see how long it was, and I noticed a number of "frequently-asked-questions" below my Google Search. For curiosity's sake, I looked at a couple of them, notably the one stating, "Why is _____________ a masterpiece?" The curious thing about the answer, and what I had never seen before, was that it said only men thought the film was a masterpiece, and that women didn't share their opinion. Begging the question, has the designation masterpiece itself shifted in recent years, and can only a film deemed a "masterpiece" by a majority of both female and male critics now be genuinely considered worthy of the name?

So many distinctions. 

Can't believe I've never seen anyone make such a claim.

Ahalegin ausartak. Ebazpen ikaragarria. Ukrainako berrikuntza. 

Gazan bakearen alde otoitz egiten.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

When I'm driving down the highway at night, and I see other cars passing by, I often wonder where they're going, and if they're on a lengthy trek. It's cool to think that car's going to Winnipeg, and that one to Montréal, that one's stopping in ye olde Sudbury, that one's in for the Pacific haul. 

Through endless semi-boundless forests.

So much wilderness. 

What a massive country.

Countries. 🚙

Mutige Unternehmungen. Beeindruckende Auflösung. Ukrainische Innovation. 

Wir beten für den Frieden in Gaza.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Alice in den Städten (Alice in the Cities)

A wandering writer discovers photography while driving around the United States, and takes sundry pictures his editor rejects when he attempts to submit them instead of his article.

He couldn't help not writing it, he was inspired by a different idea, and even though a task had been definitively set, he seductively swerved and creatively reimagined it.

He's out of money nevertheless and his editor won't give him any more, the decision to return to Germany suddenly presenting itself with frank appeal.

While purchasing his ticket he meets a single mom and her curious child, both of whom can't speak English yet also want to return to Northern Europe.

He agrees to awkwardly assist and then finds himself with no place to stay, the mother and daughter agreeing to put him up his habitual thanks most unpresuming. 

The mother is still in touch with her new partner who wants to remain in the United States, and leaves her daughter with the travelling writer and they proceed to sightsee around New York.

They agree to meet at the airport but surprisingly the mother doesn't show up.

But sends word she'll meet them in Europe.

When the next flight arrives, she's not on it.

The child doesn't remember where her grandmother lives and the two have quite the confusing adventure, the writer learning not to be so grumpy as he tries to accommodate youthful maturation.

It's an oddball misfit scenario the oblivious trio not consciously registering, the bohemian lifestyle making bold decisions through spontaneous planning as they make their way home.

As luck would have it, youthful spirit blossoming in friendship unceremoniously wins the day, the artist reluctantly embracing formalities to amusingly calm down the frightened youngster.

She notices his random scribblings and childishly wonders what they might be.

He bashfully plays the absent-minded father.

To improvise with unkempt austerity. 

Monday, October 7, 2024

Love how many division rivals are playing in MLB's Division Series playoff round this year. 

They must be so sick of playing each other. ⚾

Odvážné snažení. Ohromující rozlišení. Ukrajinská inovace. 

Modlitba za mír v Gaze.

Sunday, October 6, 2024


Amazing win!

Multiple interceptions.

Bo Nix with solid numbers.

Finally beat the Raiders again. 


Modiga ansträngningar. Formidabel upplösning. Ukrainsk innovation. 

Ber för fred i Gaza.

Saturday, October 5, 2024


Orijebieskneezybreezy 🦓
calcultramatum progenie 🧞
feefoakal conzensha'des-zoar

percolalately pepilepsi 
cherring-siège-moustache-nestea 🫖
gland-golive-goyle atoill-meanwhile

away-far-out-thereins-sane-sawdle 🐎
tardistinker moufest-flawval 🦨
tintartin-akinder-yokel 🪺
d'oh'cal signetceternoble

javalonestarstruckin' Friday
phantom-tome wryeszone Jemimé 🥞
hark-ris'Odo zeniche nilé 
Cleo-Kamalps-patrihoté ⛰

deltadporiolsontichno. 🐸

Friday, October 4, 2024

Beau Travail

A group of dedicated soldiers is professionally assembled in Eastern Africa, and taught to efficiently train in the time honoured art of balanced routine.

The locals curiously regard them as they exercise within their lands, the Legion's regimented solemnity a modern spectacle deriving pathos. 

It seems somewhat innocent and harmless as they freely stick to their upbeat selves, and build a harmonious continuity within their sombre intense ranks. 

With no wars to occupy their time and a general desire to remain aloof, the offbeat focused isolated unit peacefully co-exists with the world around them.

Unfortunately, where many find peace there are still those who cultivate conflict, and the uptight fastidious sergeant finds himself bitterly consumed by jealousy.

A new recruit proves quite remarkable and effectively demonstrates natural talent, in the eyes of their commanding officer he has great potential for a soldiering future.

The sergeant can't rationally stand it and desperately seeks to halt his progress. 

Unable to mediate his contempt.

Or accept the calm endearing tranquility. 

Once again, the evocative Claire Denis crafts a multilayered sensual tale, with a small budget in a foreign land while dealing with potentially volatile subject matter (not often you see thought-provoking low budget independent army films).

Startling to see such a tender take on formidable concrete durable masculinity, emphasizing brotherhood and camaraderie from a mutually self-sacrificing reliable vision.

The consistent observations of the inquisitive locals add so much humanistic depth, as you lightheartedly think along with them, what are they doing there?, while peace envelopes the land.

It starts off with intermittent savvy and congenially blends several different scenes, realistically invigorating the tragic tale with inherent foreign spiralling multiplicity.

Details of the plot are cleverly interwoven to the point where it seems secondary like a distant vision, the conducive galvanizing merry imagery awe-strikingly dismissing imperial entanglements.

I was hoping the entire film would continue to progress in this dreamlike fashion, not that the principal narrative is dull or uneventful, 90 plus minutes of the former would have just been incredible.

Too bad so much grief has to pass before the concluding moments fashionably exemplify, a welcoming world not so timorous or severe presenting alternative manners of masculine expression.

Stentorian peace exotically exclaimed with celebratory festive inhibition.

Rare to see anyone make this point.

Especially with such ingenious visceral exhibition. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Sigh. Since seeing the episode on Star Trek: The Next Generation, I've always wanted to try the Klingon painstik ritual. Why? I have no idea. 🤔

Pogumna prizadevanja. Izjemna resolucija. Ukrajinska inovacija. 

Molitev za mir v Gazi. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

With the Blue Jays out 😢, I'm rootin' for the Brewers and Padres. ⚾ 

Odvážne snahy. Ohromujúce rozlíšenie. Ukrajinská inovácia. 

Modlitba za mier v Gaze.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Growing up alone and isolated in a foreign nation while nestled in the country, a young child observes the inner-workings of a French colonial government.

Things generally proceed without dilemma, issue, hiccup, or re-modification, since her father's level-headed and makes Indigenous friends and local contacts.

He's gone for extended periods pursuing various governmental initiatives however, leaving his wife and child in the steady care of a clever resourceful citizen.

Who's been able to casually bridge relaxed European and African customs, with fluid evocative hands-on knowledge he feels at home wherever he goes. 

He's a jack-of-all-generational-trades and gets along well with both parents and children, like a cool open-minded and friendly babysitter who can also fix the generator or chase away hyenas.

The routine life upon the compound proceeds dependably without much uproar, although a plane lands one day nearby due to unfortunate mechanical malfunctions. 

It introduces a cast of characters representing less settled colonialist viewpoints.

Little France observes with wonder.

While the adults search for temporal occupation.

Chocolat presents a raw depiction of a select period from an atypical life, offering accounts of unfiltered memories that seemed peculiar to youth in blossom.

It's fun to watch Claire Denis's film because the narrative isn't strictly linear, there's a story that progresses throughout no doubt but it's broken up by random occurrences.

It's like a thoughtful surrealist embarkation into the innocent world of youth and playtime, in a sincere environment where the child tries to make sense of the strange conversations held by different adults.

The memories are like cool flashbacks to uncanny airs which must have seemed odd, certainly not like the familiar adventures she would have imagined with other bureaucrat children.

As it unreels, one scene after another depicts a fascinating narrative technique, where everything fits, nothing's misplaced, but the individual scenes are like mini-stories of their own.

You can pick and choose the individual tales as if you were leafing through an anthology, or watch them in succinct succession as they serpentinely structure a mischievous yarn.

Like being transported back to early childhood to freely reflect upon bewildering pastimes, the mesmerizing curious vignettes peacefully prosper through animate invention.

Held together by an African saint who can efficiently tread so many walks of life.

Unlike anything I've seen before.

Unique beauty inspired in motion. 

Monday, September 30, 2024

Broncos! 🏈

I admit that I'm a sucker for the Dances with Wolves heart eating scene.

Hrabri poduhvati. Zastrašujuća rezolcija. ukrajinska inovacija.

Moli se va mir u Gazi.