Sunday, February 20, 2011


I don't know why I keep track of things sometimes. I end up with a list of favourite quotes/ideas/hypotheses/annotations that I keep tucked away on the the title page of my text, eagerly awaiting rebirth, that I then never consult again. It's not that I don't want to once again recapture the joyous state which these fragments once conditioned, it's simply that every time I examine the list and its corresponding explanations (Dr. Cottard's diagnosis, social astronomy, breaking up with a mistress) I lament the fact that so many more inspiring quotations lie waiting in the text, quotations that I was perhaps to tired to note while reading, or ones whose compositions could not coordinate themselves with my current disposition at that point in time, for I had not experienced the various events and daily preoccupations that had qualified my life in the intervening years. So I prefer to reread the text itself in search of additional ideas to add to the list that I will perhaps one day read and condense in a poem, over and over again, ad infinitum.

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