Friday, July 25, 2014


The ravages of global warming have accidentally imprisoned the last surviving members of humanity on an invincible super train, Sheldon Cooper's purist blast of ecstasy, which travels the entire globe over the span of a year, codifying condensed calisthenics, perpetual in its autarkic motions.

Built to function as an enviropolitical scientist's incendiary trench-line, if they like quenching sensationally instructive transistors, a fierce class struggle has erupted within, its boiling point having been reactively reached, crisis, calamity, infraction, the oppressed rebelliously coming into being, extinction, be concisely damned.

It comes down to the food supply.

Mixed in with spatial limitations.

Unprepared perplexing stamina.

Jackass authoritative guidelines.

Why the train's supreme ruler chose to employ an oppressive model to govern his domain after the potential for continuous expansion was obliterated, speaks to the ridiculousness of his model itself, as well as the preponderance of its all-encompassing indoctrinations.

The price of a ticket bears consequences eternal.

The population would have to be controlled, but why one section lives in luxury while the other has to resort to cannibalism makes no sense.

The torches made me think of Plato's cave.

The key is solutions precipitated by a lack of preparation.

John Hurt (Gilliam) is showing up in everything cool these days.

Sheldon Cooper would probably have serious issues with the train.

It would be a great lecture.

At least one other species survives.

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