Wednesday, July 29, 2015

For Cecil the Lion

It takes a special kind of asshole to lure a collared lion away from a National Park and then kill it.

That's not sporting, not sporting at all.

Imagine the lie he was going to tell his friends and family about how he killed it? I find trophy hunting disgusting, but this fucker wouldn't even play by those rules, he killed Cecil the Lion in the most cowardly disrespectful way imaginable, perhaps with the intent of boasting about it for the rest of his life.

This guy is worst case.

I highly recommend not killing lions and rhinos and elephants and whales (and other animals) because their populations do not bounce back quickly when they lose individuals.

When I was a kid, I thought the world had smartened up and realized that if lions etc. were to continue existing we would have to stop viciously hunting them for sport.

But these idiots keep doing it, time and time again.

And they brag about it.

And people listen to them.

And talk to them.

Also, medical science has actual remedies.

Rhino horn and elephant tusk do not.

You idiots are going to kill all of them.

It's basic math.

I'm not even going to ask how you live with yourselves because you just don't care.

You must be drunk every minute of every day to have such a total lack of conscience and find things like this amusing.


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