Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Le Plaisir

An agéd sophisticated debonair imbroglio, still likes to go out dancing, and equipped with mask and trendy attire he freely joins in at a local club.

But there's a collapse an unfortunate sudden enervating brisk inopportune muddle, and soon he's once again back at his apartment quietly recovering from sporadic plays.

His devoted wife who refused to leave after so many ceremonious years, explains how she came to yield when faced with so many imprecise delineations.

Star-crossed solipsistic synergies familial fetching fervent fermentation, a look at the oft unmentioned social graces as they've matured after so much time.

A small town business stays open late and is generally frequented by the well-to-do, who enjoy alternative flair and characteristic distraction on many an otherwise mundane night.

But on the Saturday evening in question the curious cast is nowhere to be found, which leads to an improvised assemblage of minds eventually provoking headstrong altercation.

Fantasy has set out indeed has gathered in an even smaller town, to celebrate a relative's coming of age without ornate robust discountenance. 

It's thoroughly agreed within the picturesque pastoral pastime, that they add modest cosmopolitan flavour to the reservéd village life.

Soon back across the way and once again settled into the imagination, local animosities swiftly disperse with neither grudge nor recollection.

Peculiar habitual practice efficaciously engendered.

Another time, bewitched bewilder, fancy fortune expression mused.

An upcoming artist finds himself bedazzled by a striking model upon his canvas, so much so he seeks her hand and takes up residence outside the city.

But fleeting passion disrupts his airs and soon he derides domestic life, his young wife driven to mortal explicit moribund feats of declamation.

His arrogance astounds as he responds with dismissal as she attempts to take her own life, yet survives the disparaging doctrine with animate versatile proactive buds.

A happy couple, perhaps, thereafter, as inspiration jukes and jounces.

Age old conceptual reckoning.

The joys of youth.

Venerable wear.

*Written by men. 

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