Friday, June 10, 2022

Rumble Fish

Consistently struggling tantamount turmoil uncertain identity freewheelin' flux, hardboiled impulsive volatile rep discursively challenged voltaically scarred.

No guidance no mentor no quarter just headstrong courageous cataclysmic shock, hoping to find something to firmly adhere to, without showing signs of genuine interest.

He's never known his unconcerned mother and his father's (Dennis Hopper) gave everything up just to drink, his brother once leader of a neighbourhood gang but since disappeared for life on the road.

He suddenly returns (Mickey Rourke as the Motorcycle Boy) enigmatic and imposing but lacking concrete objective charisma, overflowing with versatile potential yet unwilling to choose one path over another. 

Rusty James (Matt Dillon) tries to relate but finds the mystery too confusing, the resultant vague indeterminate ambivalence too otherworldly for group dynamics. 

Not that the stories and the tales and the testaments don't heartwarmingly make for good conversation, there's just no pattern no general direction that leads to a construct, tradition, balance.

Some people (many people) like that kind of thing and eagerly respond to level-headed practicality. 

Corresponding occupational rhythms. 

Sure and steady indelible facts. 

Could mean a lot more at times if chaotic situations could find rational solutions, ubiquitous dissonance recklessly sustained difficult to patiently and reasonably negotiate. 

How to develop a lucid network of reliable intertwined energetic enterprises, judiciously incorporating rest and relaxation in a federation of craft, procession, and livelihood? 

Not to leave behind able capable citizens transforming angst into raw productivity.

You can clearly cover the basics to provide a general equitable start, with education and healthcare freely available there's much less tension a fairer shake more opportunity.

When you pool resources together to achieve things like safer schools and communities, there may be some people who take advantage, but don't statistics prove the majority act otherwise?

Times change, flux & fashion, independent trends, age old resolve.

The kids in Rumble Fish deserved a better chance.

Not like they ever would have said anything otherwise.

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