Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The assortment of plastic branches stuck out of the vase like twisted ambassadors of comprehension as they sat down to make a deal. "He sure can twirl a pizza pie" Kenneth noted as he watched Smyke effortlessly release the dough into the receptive air, its motion resembling some James Bond thing and a placemat he'd purchased at Reynolds. The placemat was Caribbean around noon blue and presented problems regarding the situating of saucers. The pie glided down to the surface landing upon a smattering of flour and several discarded pieces of mozzarella cheese. It was very busy.

Leonard sipped his gin and tonic as he thought of a way to adequately phrase his proposal. He was hoping to use just the right mixture of confidence, affability, and aloofness to encourage a creative atmosphere within which designs could be outlined and (subtly) disseminated. He said "good evening" before folding his hands into a rectangular pattern and smiling briefly, like spotting a marten as it peaks over a slab of granite before returning to its adventurous pursuits unaware. "Freezing outside" Kenneth replied, "had to melt a lock out front and I only had three matches. Melted fine but the sulphur."

"Heard that."

They proceeded to describe what had occurred since their last meeting (domestically, commercially) and then ordered a large vegetarian.

"Vineyards. Good investment. Like the soil."
"Tailspin. Not a problem."
"Have you tried the venison at The Track?"

The light from the colourful stone lamp shone above the buffet table and Smyke pretended it rebounded effusively off the ceiling fan, solidifying a dynamic glow throughout the restaurant as he flipped another pie.

"The sound can be improved but not at the expense of the melody. Can you work in a trumpet?"
"The trumpet can be utilized if Synge adjusts the tempo but I'm unsure as to whether the beat can be co-ordinated with the rhythm."
"All in good time my friend, all in good time."

Patrons sitting near their table were examining several issues which held a sincere degree of relevance for them. Sports, politics, openings, foreclosures. The S____ Government's plan to redesign the harbour. Chess. The resultant hum was reminiscent of a light rain smoothly situating each of its drops at irregular intervals along the banks of a lake while several eastern rock nuthatches skittishly jumped from branch to branch in a nearby tree and an excited beaver ebulliently slapped its tail. Splish, splash, splock.

The conversation returned to the subject of Esplanade's opening night and the tenure of Mr. Edwards. Historically his presence commanded conditions but he'd grown more complacent with increasing ticket sales. The porter would be chosen by Merrick assuming he continued to support In Stride and the catering was to be supplied by Stingrays. Edwards generally agreed to these choices if he noticed them at all. The billiards table would be placed near the back of the stage on a diagonal situated 2 feet in front of a sign reading "Patients." Pajamas were required for the second act. Donations had contributed to the array of supporting costumes and hot toddies would be the featured aperitif. "Capital?" chimed Kenneth as Leonard ran out of tonic and the nuthatches focused their bounding. "If we open the blinds at 9:30 and shine a lempawat through then the staggered affects should trigger a laconic response from the critic representing The Herald. "The odds of that happening are high but what if the violet fades turning mauve?"

Smyke's shift was finished and he brushed off his apron before taking a seat at the table. His script had been uniformly appreciated by the sponsors but his position could only be solidified by the critics. Pizza helped him deal with the stress. he took a waft from his signature drink and glanced at the wall while Kenneth waited for Leonard to finish his thought, at which point he said "good evening." Applying aloe vera to his burns Smyke said "hurts they do after the shifts finished and we've cleaned everything with stuff smelling orangey and replenished the supplies. Heat makes me think in circles which is why they flow smoothly, ginger aid." A long week, a long month, the debut was approaching swiftly, the designs agreed upon, the dissemination delineated. Plans coming into motion while the rain tranquilly cleared and the lodge bade welcome to its content companion.

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