Tuesday, August 11, 2009


We thought it would be a dark day or at least slightly misty when we heard K_____ had escaped but it turned out to be a bright sunny winter affair aptly complemented by a light snowstorm in the late evening. The problem with his departure was our reaction to it. We thought our share holders would be irate but the concordant content of K_____'s ruse helped them to happily overlook the forlorn form (an ecstatic event). No one saw him, not one finger print remained and a half pack of cigarettes was enigmatically lying on the floor. Larry, his roommate, stated that once Stevens stopped shouting at 9:15pm he blinked and K_____ was gone, a light flash of moonlight briefly dematerializing the bars. He had grown quite fond of K_____'s disquietude and mentioned that he would be sorely missed. Level 3.C.B's guard said that he thought he heard the light footsteps of a trotting fox pass around 9:20 and could have sworn he had only taken 4 and a half sips from his Americano (dark roast). His alternate was on break in the basement and claims that at precisely 9:47:22 he felt a cathartic quiescent revitalizing tranquility in his left eye prior to viewing an incandescent shadow radiating on the wall, disappearing through a crack. He then continued reading Mitchell's Hombre. We had forgotten that every 6 months, two days and 11 minutes K____ could transform into two of three semblances if and only if Jupiter met Saturn, 6 Canada geese simultaneously honked within a range of 73 metres, and a chickadee chirped unexpectedly for 3 seconds. This happens more than you'd think. It took a particularly flexible reinterpretation of Wordsworth's later work recast in a ballad's rhythm to prevent the warden from pressing charges. He rather liked the epilogue. We couldn't be upset by the development because K_____ no longer could fit into Gauze's format and his indelible character absolutely refused to embody an anachronism. The rest of the inmates claimed that as he departed a sketch of his resplendently haunting eyes, nimble frame, and scintillating reflection was momentarily etched on their Platonic surstrata (and pleasantly resided there for 17 minutes). We were unsure as to where he would go; he had always expressed an affinity for Tunis, Perth, and Buenos Aires but his conversation was generally perfunctory. One clue was coaxingly left behind in a nook uniting two crannies whose pastel exuberance was contrasted by their linguistic referent, delicately written in bold faced midnight blue, the i dotted with a cherry left over from the previous week's showing of The Enigma of Kasper Hauser: Pour l'amour, c'est la vie was all it read, like a universal dedication expressing his recast raison d'être in festive Verdana script. So we figured he was headed to Paris but would not be surprised to discover him in either Lyons, Marseilles, or Prague, although we had business to take care of and weren't that concerned. We were concerned with his production, however, and had fortunately deconfigured his parasol to enable the interception of his thoughts at irregular intervals every 23 days (Anderson's committee regarding this matter concluded that 23 days would maximize the amount of information we received while minimizing K______'s chances of detection). Who knows what we'll find, could be useful in our tautology division but their budget's been significantly cut back. I looked out my window after hearing the news and thought I saw a malnourished confused black bear shuffling by smoking only to blink and see it replaced by a swan. There was a time where his insights had indeed been commercial but when confined in a limited space, held captive, monitored, tethered, there was little he could do besides shift in the scenery.

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