Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The red-tailed hawk stooped on the post as we pulled up. There was a van and a car outside. The sweaty medicinal heater kept humming in my head. Staring at me, aware of something, intent. Good day to you sir, madam, hello, cold, yes, lost, it's a shame, again, defense, never work defense into their plan, he's fine doing well, keeping on, 2 seasons, spring and summer, rain.

The keys had been cut like cornerstones to enhance the value of the lock. There were three keys for the gate but an intuitive dimension had been built in. Birds flying by. Delineating the new requires manifold conceptions built-up in accordance with the undefined discipline's transition. Competitive, complimentary. Dogs still bark in the winter, bark more maybe. Each day the lock aligned itself with a different set of theorizations reflecting whichever theory had the most conceptual capital and then placed that theory within one of three specific categories which corresponded to the keys. The possessor could determine which to use through logic, study, feelings, but if she or he picked the wrong one they could not enter for six and a half days. As a rule, something valuable had to be found, valuable and unknown, found, on the other side, whose metaphorical impact would relate to one of the theories at hand, the correct deduction of which would garner a free pass. K_____ had always been good at this which was irritating but Smyke's success rate was higher. You could hear presence, over there, beyond, stepping, shuffling, in rhythm.

The hawk ruffled its feathers as we evaluated the situation. Boundaries, bullion, bewitching. You still remain when you're not there. To combat the cold we had eaten three cloves of garlic each washed down with soda water. A cellular phone rang nearby, emitting grumpy sounds in the still and quiet air. A letter had been received announcing a number of choices and opportunities cast in a compositional array of voices. A response was required, encouraged, posthaste.

Below the balcony a man dressed well was using the barbeque: six pepper steaks, carrots, onions, their flavours seductively soaking up the juxtaposed temperatures in the form of deliciousness. I had seen this before we left.

Edwards entered the van and began speeding away as we approached the gate. Our topic was chosen after a lengthy seminar regarding software applications was applauded. The hawk flew off with a dove as a middle-aged woman answered the cell phone with the word "hello." I stared at the keys with dissipating agitation, using my senses to sequester the solution. The pattern presented itself as an archway beyond which a fountain depicting Paris and Aphrodite surged in the middle of a lagoon. The air was crispy, crunchy, went out of my way to step on a leaf.

We made our decision.

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