Saturday, October 19, 2013

Machete Kills

Impressed by Machete Kills.

So many great lines in this film.

It's like Kyle Ward and Robert and Marcel Rodriguez really took the extra time and care a quality ridiculously sensational over-the-top film needs to be convincingly down-to-earth yet mesmerizing and decaptivating.

It sets a high standard for other filmmakers working along similar lines, and, much like Planet Terror, gives them something to aspire to.

Luz (Michelle Rodriguez) has her other eye shot out and then gets up to fight blind?

Fully loaded machine gun breasts?

The heart that refuses to cease beating?

It's the President on the phone?

El Cameleón?

No need for rhetorical explanations.

It's rare that a film so confidently and quickly moves from the improbable to the ludicrous to the exceptional, so sure of itself, so Machete (Danny Trejo).

Oddly, whereas I thought Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows faltered by situating Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.) in an international scenario, Machete Kills excels precisely for this reason.

The Last Stand had a similar cast but lacked Machete Kills's sharp-edged artistry.

Pacific Rim had many great lines but I'm afraid it's no Machete Kills.

Let's just throw in Star Wars.

The next one takes place in space.

In space!

Like Star Trek II in terms of outshining its predecessor.

Not that I'm comparing Star Trek: The Motion Picture to Machete.

I'm wondering if Machete can somehow be worked into an Avengers film, either through reference or by making a direct appearance.

The Avengers could use some Machete.

A rugged old-school indestructible hero.

Going to see this film, again.

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