Saturday, May 6, 2017

David with a Mandolin, Chagall

Spry and green enticed sunbeam
adventured East for sights unseen
canteened beknightly crests bejewelled
unkindled chester rhythmic fuel

spartan rhapsodic streaky zest
enchanted pensive flames immeshed
the shore-leave shortbread nutmeg mallow
syncopated ontic fallow

hallowed strung out melody
starlit Saint-Viter mercy me
crescending shawled hypnotic verdicts
cassonade seesawed concerted

Bespin symbiotic thrash
employed vaporous garlic mashed
successions strode candid zip-line
mountainous raccrooned bona fide

just picked it up lickety-split
with strings sanguine sober or lit,
"struck according to my leisure
permit me just one hazel measure"

little greyhound.

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