Monday, December 24, 2018

As the Holiday Season festively rolls on, I find myself thinking of one family that always means a lot to me, the good old Cratchits, from Dickens's A Christmas Carol.

I've been inspired for most of my life by how Bob never let mean old Mr. Scrooge ruin Christmas day, even though he bore the brunt of his greed more so than anyone else. 

Even though they don't have much, even though they're struggling to get by, the Cratchits are still happy on Christmas because of how much they love one another, and how wonderful it makes them feel to be together.  

It's a beautiful image, vividly presented in the 1951 classic.

I try not to forget their example during the year, even if at times it's difficult to recall.

The Holiday Season is just such a wonderful time.

With room for fascination, regardless of rank or income. 

Try not to let the Scrooges get you down, try not to let them spoil things.

It may be kind of silly, but Christmas ain't all that bad.

I have to admit I adore it. 

And keep my eyes open for perfect gifts year round.

I think I've mentioned that before.


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