Sunday, November 22, 2020

It occurred to me while watching a documentary about Jordan's ancient Petra on Nova recently, the same Petra whose incomparable mountain masonry was featured in Indian Jones and the Last Crusade, that Canada has Petra potential ad infinitum, and we could sculpt similar structures across the country.

Imagine it, we could have Petra's all across Canada in various locations from Newfoundland to B.C to Yukon to Nunavut, the more remote and inaccessible the better, it would be incredible for domestic and international tourism.  

It's difficult to come up with a general plan regarding what the Petraesque sculptures should look like, but I think totem poles provide a working starting point, to be diversified from region to region.

Imagine you could drive from Halifax to Vancouver to Whitehorse to as far as you can go in Nunavut in order to take in 20 to 30 magnificent Petraesque sculptures.

It's not an unworkable dream.

With fitting resolve, it could become a reality.

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