Tuesday, January 4, 2022


A cataclysmic war has been fought and the once verdant Earth lies in thunderous ruin, scattered remnants of the alien aggressors still subsisting in the barren wastes.

Robotic spherical patrols scan the inhospitable terrain from above, their technological ingenuity a formidable frank deterrent. 

They break down at times however and require attentive maintenance, teams spread across the planet to quickly diagnose and discern.

The fortunate survivors have relocated to one of Saturn's moons in a desperate attempt to save the species, their bold intergalactic reckoning cultivating innovative community.

A couple left behind hopes to congenially join them shortly, their tour of duty approaching its end their dedicated service to be rewarded justly.

But as their departure date approaches a ship chaotically crash lands, and _____ (Tom Cruise) is sent out to investigate whether or not there are any survivors.

He finds one in the wreckage and swiftly saves her from critical dysfunction (Olga Kurylenko as ______), bringing her home to his exotic pad to meet his shy suspicious partner (Andrea Riseborough as _______).

Others seek her extant wisdom hiding in caves far down below.

Ensconced in the inexplicable.

Beyond master narratives pontificated.

Is it in fact true love that fuels their imaginative interactions, as the past hesitantly reemerges in vibrant shocking grand distortion?

Confounding astronomical odds prohibit their joyous rapprochement, as miraculous fated resonance galvanizes amorous schemes.

Is true love yet another master narrative then romantically taking hold, in the midst of armageddon, mission prerogatives deconstructed?

The competing master narratives juxtapose duty with rebellion, as profound psychological conflict seeks uninhibited lucidity.

Serendipitous science-fiction soulfully establishing solar sentience, Oblivion countermands cryptology to court sentimental echoes.

Times change and preferences mutate but on occasion familiarity uplifts, the nostalgic tenderness of reliability persevering unsolicited.

Trusty tradition pervading tumultuous unexpected modifications.

It works so well in books and film.

As to reality, who's to say?

*Clearin' out 2021. What I wrote in 2021. Still a sucker for sci-fi romance.

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