Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Chikyû Bôeigun (The Mysterians)

A quiet town mellifluously enamoured energetically engages in festive rituals, communal friendship collectively augmenting spirited endeavours and cultivated mischief.

The lighthearted mild-mannered individuals curiously converse and dine at play, before a startling blaze is suddenly detected not far off in a nearby wood.

The radioactive nature of the fire chemically defies known scientific understanding, inherently baffling brave local residents who risk their lives to douse the flames.

But before such an occurrence can come to pass, a giant robot emerges from the Earth, and sets about destroying the town with awkward movements and delirious gusto.

The military is eventually able to thwart its destructive malevolent intent, just before its colonialist authorship tyrannically proclaims its wicked objectives.

Relying on their superior technology which destroyed their home world so long ago, they seek to establish a new base on Earth from which to spread their invasive fury.

Internationally disposed, the people of Earth courageously respond with bitter defiance.

Bombastic composure inevitably maneuvering. 

As mutually disabling conflict obliterates.

Strange how the art of diplomacy lacks effective resolve every 4 to 8 years, and bizarre developments maladroitly alter reliable seamless networks and agencies.

In The Mysterians, a constructive dialogue would have gone a long way to cultivate peace, and ensured potential harmony between the species as it was initially considered.

Would it have been that disillusioning to simply approach our planet in good faith, and congenially present their novel ideas with warm and friendly interplanetary mojo?

Alas, their characteristic machismo and absurd extremist irrational demands, lead the entire world to internationally unite and find innovative ways to outgun their technology.

Friendship could have gregariously reigned and affably brought forth mutual accommodations, as it has in most ages of prosperity as closely chronicled by observant scribes.

The Mysterians refuse to lighten up however and are therefore doomed to travel longingly through space.

Forever in search of a chaotic homeland.

Consistently silencing peaceful initiatives.  

Makellose Größe. Mutige Belastbarkeit. Ukrainische Hartnäckigkeit.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

I've recently listened to a lot of Howlin' Wolf, B.B. King, Muddy Waters, Willie Dixon and Bo Diddley, but I have to admit, when it comes to the blues, for me, it's gotta be Memphis Slim.

Memphis Slim! 🎹

Neposkvrněná velikost. Odvážná odolnost. Ukrajinská houževnatost.

Saturday, February 15, 2025


Delyricuricoonpalumpa 🦝
choctiptoptiplushowroomza 🍫🐙
heartisanisesteamengenie 😻🧞🚆
floweiridescenchanTV 🌈🥀 📺

fluminutsorkobrakeline 🐍
irrelevatorrentwinedine 🍷
menageregallatlantic 🌊

lamborigami f'rêtfleurus 🌲🌳🥀
bicyclectic hierotechnic 🚲𐦉
skidugong pylonchauntmetric 

elsinorbert cactishorbert 🌵🐉
revergrenadine alloiter 🌲
burgrumpy serenchanting 👸
outdworf decoruskant'urbling 

minklingrottotogastroberoy. 🍲

Friday, February 14, 2025

Der siebente Kontinent (The Seventh Continent)

Difficult to know where to find spiritual fulfillment within cultures dominated by dubious markets, consistently disseminating similar messages decade after decade epoch after epoch.

Nevertheless, if you cast a wide cultural net you may find remarkable alternative variability, assuming you don't limit yourself to the present and sample manifold styles and rhythms. 

If your culture micromanages music and only lets certain styles and messages get through, it could certainly become excessively tedious as the years slowly pass and nothing changes.

If your culture does accept new styles and genres and continuously strives to develop new markets, as long as the difference thoughtfully compels, it can be much less depressing than totalitarianism.

I watched a ton of television in my youth and became quite adept at channel surfing, finding shows that became lasting favourites which I regularly watched and routinely recorded.

The world of television made perfect sense and I could predict things that were going to happen, having un/consciously consumed so many narratives that entertaining developments became shockingly familiar.

I eventually moved away though started travelling around the country, and many of the places I stayed had no cable television, so I slowly moved away from the once cherished medium.

Eventually, more than a decade had gone by and I found that when I had the opportunity to turn on the TV, I wasn't as impressed as I had been in my youth, and questioned why I had spent so much time watching it.

I had actually found other cool things to do which imaginatively nurtured less manufactured thoughts, and although hardly anyone ever wanted to talk to me, I still found different ways to randomly express them.

It was like my mind was energized and my spirit enjoyed its liberation, you may not understand what a lot of people are talking about, but there's an uplifting world far beyond mainstream television.

Instrumental music made a big difference too as I imagined different scenarios in differing degrees, laidback listening to the incredible solos the inspired teamwork the emphatic orchestrations. 

Silent walks in natural environments made a huge difference as well with cool animal sightings. 

Defying the totalitarian void.

Unlike the family in The Seventh Continent. 

*Criterion keyword: chilli
Obefläckad magnitud. Modig motståndskraft. Ukrainsk uthållighet.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Nepoškvrnená veľkosť.  Odvážna odolnosť. Ukrajinská húževnatosť.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Bas Devos's Here brought back fond memories while also nurturing dreams for the future, Stefan's modest immigration experience humbly encouraging unorthodox travel.

The film follows a laidback worker who has spent some time living in Belgium, as he finishes his last shift and solemnly prepares for a month long vacation back in his homeland. 

As he walks about town casually observing things I was pleasantly reminded of life in the city, and the manifold options routinely available as you variably concoct thematic experiences. 

When he enters a restaurant for instance to get out of the pouring rain, and finds himself suddenly conversing in French with someone who speaks the language fluently.

As he tries his best to understand he knows he has to respond with something, and adamantly hopes it directly applies to the specific topic under examination.

But he gets it wrong he's misunderstood the dialogue halts it's insufficient, but he doesn't take it as a sign to stop speaking he continues onwards with verbal gusto.

By doing so, he actively demonstrates there are lots of words he can turn into sentences, and hopes his curious interlocutor instinctually respects that and keeps on talking.

In the best case scenario, they understand you're learning and that your positive attitude demonstrates you want to be there. 

If they continue the conversation using a less intricate in/formal vocabulary, it's a great opportunity for learning that can lead to chillaxed friendship (miss you).

I understood the old "fridge-clean-out" as well when you throw most of what you've got into a pot, and slowly cook it with spices and liquids until you've created something unique and edible. 

By doing so, you have several meals and fortunately nothing goes to waste, and you can share it with your friends as well as modest Stefan does in the movie.

Nature also figures prominently as he walks from place to place since his car's in the shop, the extant forest he freely travels through bringing on carefree thoughts and nascent wonder.

It's so important as cities expand and depressing sprawl creates a concrete jungle, to remember to plan intermittent green spaces throughout the urban landscape like they do in Québec.

Nice places for lunch or to spot local wildlife or even make a career studying mosses or lichen.

I'm usually careful not to disturb moss in the forest.

Although it does make a comfy place to lie down! 

*Criterion keyword: gossamer

Monday, February 10, 2025

Does Trump realize that all these tariffs are putting his international fanbase out of work, and driving them to left wing parties?

Magnitudine imaculată. Reziliență curajoasă. tenacitate ucraineană.

Broncos! 🏈

Magnitude imaculada. Resiliência corajosa. Tenacidade ucraniana. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

I didn't know Lionel Hampton performed at the half-time show for Super Bowl IV. 

Cool 🏈! 

Saturday, February 8, 2025


Opinauticabalablaster 🏊
hoystereo storqu'est-ature 🦪
imprecitelmizorbalance 💃
beezanytinseltzergoalant 🥅

edidatticambrosebuttering 🧈
flapjacoastline R.L sunschtein 🥞 🍺
emfatuoustle pharaohdine 🏜

entwhirlinnighborwürmzercom 🪱
iced-windingoatherbivoron 🐐
cawrestle ranchairoast-Egon 🪑

bonbl'onduelant toucheiderdown 🍬
afielderberry ghostpostown 👻
north-sound-east-western jukulele 
def'enchantment merry-halley 🏈

cometropolitesquir'nwrought. ☄

Friday, February 7, 2025

Super Bowl Pick

Kansas City Chiefs/Philadelphia Eagles: there's no doubt the Eagles and Chiefs are both formidable teams, demonstratively augmenting their intuitive daring with remarkable precision and commendable accuracy. Both of them had exceptional years and have played incredibly well for at least the last 7, with postseason runs boldly accentuating difficult hard-fought tenacious regular seasons. Both teams have impressed in the playoffs this year picking up huge wins under challenging circumstances, Philadelphia looking more dominant but they dodged a bullet when the Lions were knocked out. They still looked tough though, with strong running and passing games and a quarterback as nimble as Mahomes, I kept thinking they'd run it much more often but they don't even have to they're that freakin' deep. Jalen Hurts should perhaps receive more cred for the outstanding job he's done in Philadelphia, overlooked at times by more flashy QBs, even though he's a consistent tremendous playoff factor. That gives him something to prove with a strong defence and offence to support him, you'd also hate to see Saquon Barkley come up short after such a strong running year. Can the Chiefs be beat though?, they seem to have no trouble putting scoring drives together (no matter whom they face), especially when they suddenly find themselves losing, how do they consistently win so many close ones? It's tough to pick, my football instincts say the Eagles are the better team, and that they're tougher more imposing too hard to beat multivariability. But Taylor Swift stood up to Trump during the election and now he's causing all kinds of trouble for North America, normally I would find the Swift/Kelce relationship too melodramatic, but under these circumstances, it's bona fide heroism 💌. Nevertheless, I'm still a Broncos fan and I find at the end of the day it's tough to pick Kansas City. I like Mahomes and Andy Reid, they're awe-inspiring. But their success is even more irritating than New England's. Picking the Eagles. Hopin' they win the rematch. 🏈

Black Orpheus

Rio de Janeiro festively prepares for the upcoming enigmatic illusory Carnaval, floats decorated and costumes tailored an immersive atmosphere of harmless mischief.

Nimble Orpheus chauffeurs his trolly through the busy streets with reservéd gusto, thoroughly at ease with lithe maximum occupancy as it swiftly travels throughout the city.

Young Eurydice arrives from the countryside to stay with her invigorating distant relatives, having been chased by a masked quasi-demon rigorously hellbent on her destruction.

Orpheus's fiancé habitually erupts with romantic exposition when they're together, and definitively craves his ubiquitous attention each and every day exceedingly composed.

They even spiritedly head out to meaningfully procure a marriage license, Mira focused and passionately determined to resonantly claim the celebrated singer.

But later in the day as time slowly passes beautiful Eurydice also catches his eye.

The dynamic artist following instinctual elements. 

As everyone embraces ye olde Carnaval.

A lively retelling of an ancient myth energetically situated within modern cities, with creative new features and an inspiring setting transformatively exclaiming romantic awe.

It's not even Orpheus/Breno Mello or Eurydice/Marpessa Dawn who steal the show they're somewhat subdued when objectively compared, to sprightly Mira/Lourdes de Oliveira and vehement Serafina/Léa Garcia who add so much in the brief time they're allotted.

Serafina could have been left out entirely her tempting character by no means essential, but Garcia took the less prominent role and seductively etherealized cinematic history.

It's not just the imaginative retelling of the ancient myth that generates so much credit, its compelling presentation of the market and Carnaval bring its animate emergence to acrobatic life.

Gymnastically adorning so many precious scenes with blithe orchestration and reverberating pith, it fluidly exemplifies perpetual motion with lighthearted irresistible ebullient spirits.

Indeed relationships problematize so much harmless fun when ownership's claimed.

A sincere tragedy no matter the epoch.

Carefree endeavours.

Limitless fun.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

When I was growing up, mainstream journalism severely critiqued free trade in Canada. You could hardly pick up a newspaper that didn't offer dissenting opinions about it (especially around election time). It's largely faded from the press as the news has become more and more corporate over the last 15 years (and cut hundreds and hundreds of jobs)(perhaps not in Québec). Cool to see the resurgence skilfully blooming this frigid winter. Isn't it time for the systemic investment in local imaginative Canadian and Québecois invention?  

Ulastelig størrelse. Modig motstandskraft. ukrainsk utholdenhet.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Removing the Palestinians from Gaza and then turning it into a resort is an idea so ridiculous I don't really know how to respond to it, except to offer condemnation, hope that cooler heads prevail, and pray for the people of Gaza. I've never encountered this type of political super-villainy before. 😕

Onberispelijke omvang. Moedige veerkracht. Oekraïense vasthoudendheid.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


* Glad I'm not lining up month after month of gruelling resistance themed films. Did manage to find this one by accident on Saturday evening though (I was searching for an Agnès Varda film, but didn't think it would be fascist related). 

In 1967, a harsh military dictatorship suddenly took control of Greece, where it ruled for 7 inauspicious years as people everywhere around them mobilized. 

Imaginative French filmmaker Agnès Varda made the film Nausicaa to commend Greek exiles, who were forced to flee the degenerate lies and systematic torture of the fascist regime. 

Finding themselves in France they fortunately found international networks, and were able to defend democratic freedoms with receptive audiences worldwide.

Unfortunately, as her film was being put together insensitive authorities seized most of what had been produced, and never explained to her why they were taking it, it's thought that the material was subsequently destroyed.

But the Royal Belgian Cinémathèque kept one copy and delicately preserved it, which is now available on The Criterion Channel for those seeking informative and creative texts.

It interviews artists and journalists as they explain the troubles they had with the army, and attempt to find work and lodging in France while reflecting on Greek politics.

The call for widespread resistance took time to find an active audience, but eventually championed the compassionate rights of people who prefer not to join the military.

Nausicaa is also quite experimental it eclectically presents different storytelling styles, loosely adorning one Greek citizen's experiences as he meets a woman whose daughter's half Greek (I believe the daughter is supposed to be Varda).

The ways in which state media outlets mask the truth in order to offer unrealistic pictures of sociopolitical dilemmas are showcased, along with investigations into the general political awareness of France at the time (note how the left recently still dealt a crippling blow to the French right), and thoughtful looks at Greece's culture in the '60s.

Please don't equate my new style of poem with what Nausicaa calls "Medieval Obscurantism". I thought I was writing absurd catchy surrealist poems that are like puzzles, I'm not deliberately trying to sound difficult. 

Difficult to know what parts of the film would have been kept or altered or augmented if it had moved forward, but there's still enough left in this working draft to generate more comment than most of what's out there.

A cool look at the French New Wave applied to television.

The dictatorship didn't last long.

Varda is worth checking out.
I fully support a Canada-wide boycott of Amazon in support of Québec's workers. 

*Amazon recently fired over 1,700 of their workers in Québec after they tried to unionize.

Can't say I want to take that ride again.

Ready if things head down that path again nevertheless. 

That sensation you're feeling, is collective adrenaline, if you're used to thinking individualistically, you may have never really felt it before. 

I grew to learn and love it while living in Québec where things are much more collective, and it feels wonderful to play a small role as part of a larger community. 

It's cool when you're part of a group that's over 40 million strong though, eh!

I was so impressed with so many people.

Although the next time that happens I hope Canada and Québec are winning Olympic Hockey Gold! 🏒

Monday, February 3, 2025

Kobor immakulat. Reżiljenza kuraġġuża. Tenaċità Ukraina.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

I just wanted to apologize in advance for comments forthcoming regarding the United States and this ridiculous trade dispute which directly and outrageously violates treaties already established between our countries (you should not be letting the president disregard established treaties and the constitution).

I'd like to keep buying products from California and New England and New York, Washington, Minnesota, Oregon, Colorado and Michigan, where they don't like Trump much either, but right now I've got to focus on Canada and Québec 1,000%

I've never encountered something like this but that's clearly the best thing to do.

Until more reasonable times.


I'm seeing a lot of Chamberlain in Canadian federal politics. Not much Churchill. 😔

Immaculéiert Gréisst. Courage Widderstandsfäegkeet. Ukrainesch Zähegkeet.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Does the whole world want to join Canada and Mexico in a boycott of American products?

That'd be cool. 😎

Can Canadian and Québecois supermarkets etc. start adding easy-to-pull-off Canadian flag stickers to items manufactured/made/created in Canada and Québec in their stores? 

Like they say in Mad Max: Fury Road - retaliate first. 


Langlorihuskick cornery 🌽
hobcobblestone slabrinthbaby 👶
outthereminatorodante 🐄
pantricheesewizardonichez 🪄

quistchy wilblurbits-n-bytes 🐷
emwebbedbroomstickorilites 🕷
miracumul'e(g)on pulsaire ⛅
currickshaweshuckleberrivière 🌊

donairtight sangulartistry 🩸
finessentalisbonbunny 🐰
accenturismoodengingers 🦛
baleine-zengine-fleckozingers 🐋

hotsturchernoblé tweetabrix 
re/s(h)ushisitaconchatricks 🍣
textquizitremedicinarwhal ㊩
flowherewithatollkeentervault 🏔


Friday, January 31, 2025

Alienoid: Return to the Future

The ancient world tempestuously welcomes alien renegades from a far distant future, whose apocalyptic orchestrations may suffocate all life on planet Earth.

Along for the ride we find a computer program who can take on human form, and serendipitously shapeshift as awkward circumstances dictate. 

He surreptitiously protects a courageous determined fledgling warrior, who seeks to ensure the malevolent convicts permanently rest in medieval Korea. 

Back in the present day, the deadly haava will soon be released, after which all life on Earth will perish and reckless malfeasance rule absolutely.

The multivariable eclectic mix of dynamic characters effectively duel, and furiously express their athletic witticisms as the ensuing chaos thunders.

In terms of recalibrating A.I and giving it transformative humanistic features, could the cyberspatial efficiently be freed from incarcerated bland electronic environments?

If an electronic code exists for variable lifeforms within different realms, could it be effectively replicated thereby creating carbon copies?

Somewhat like the cloned sheep "Dolly" but without the elaborate multifaceted process, Star Trek: The Next Generation providing insights into the organic simulations.

On Star Trek's holodeck diverse beings find instantaneous ingenious life, and can interact and joke and play music while following intricate complex instructions. 

The characters can't leave their simulated environments they're imprisoned there however, in Star Trek you can't find the code for Proust or Shakespeare and see them miraculously reborn.

Nevertheless, within the food replicators organic material is suddenly created, with infinite variety from manifold planets and it fluidly exists in the outside world. 

Thus, within these highly useful machines computer codes take on physical forms (like they do in cyberspace), and can be consumed outside the domains in which they were originally produced (unlike cyberspace).

Thus, if you had a machine that could take a code like that used to clone different animals, you could theoretically duplicate them ad infinitum, like the food replicators on Star Trek.

You could therefore also alter their programming so they could transmutate at will. 

It's just a matter of discovering the manifest codes.

Which clandestinely structure organic environments.

Love the Twin Peaks intertextuality. 

Cool sequel. 

A Mix of Songs

Advent - Lionel Hampton & His Orchestra - Made in Japan
Shu ba du ba loo ba - Serge Gainsbourg - Initials B.B
Butterscotch - Chuck Berry - Chuck Berry in London
I've Found a New Baby - Lionel Hampton - À la French
Hampton Stomp - Lionel Hampton & His Orchestra - The Complete Victor Lionel Hampton Sessions
Campus Cookie - Chuck Berry - From St. Louie to Frisco (Expanded Edition)
Honey Bee - Muddy Waters - After the Rain
House of Morgan - Lionel Hampton - The Classic Decades Presents - Lionel Hampton
Exercise in Swing (Take 1) - Lester Young - The Master's Touch
Jambalaya - Chuck Berry - Chuck Berry (Expanded Edition)
Twelfth Street Rag - Lionel Hampton - Jazz Café Presents: Lionel Hampton
Liverpool Drive - Chuck Berry - St. Louis to Liverpool 
4 O'Clock Boogie - Memphis Slim & Willie Dixon - Blues & Gospel No. 4: Memphis Slim & Willie Dixon

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Onberispte groetheid. Moedige veerkrachtigheid. Oekraïense hardnekking. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Immaculatae magnitudinis. Animi mollitia. Ucraina contumacia. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


A gifted entertainer exactingly resides in opulent isolation within his castle, every second of every day meticulously corresponding to specified curriculum. 

He dreams of the girl he once fell in love with who still routinely travels and brilliantly performs, their improvised union having spiritedly crafted a darling youngster raised in the circus.

The Great Depression miserably emerges and millions of people find themselves out of work, the idle artist losing his staff then rejoining his family on the staggering road.

His son grows up immersed in lively spectacular entertaining multivariable humours, wholesomely ensconced within random variation he gradually becomes a celebrated clown.

World War II despotically interrupts and lighthearted sentiments are cast aside, the mad dissemination of militaristic bravado autocratically obscuring the chill and genuine.

After the war, the invention of television once again problematizes circus life, as more people find immediate entertainment laidback and tranquil with the fam at home.

Yet little Yoyo reinvents himself once more and becomes even more famous within the medium.

Hosting lavish galas back at his father's castle.

With storytelling, everlastingly at home.

I would argue that gifted storytellers never lose their love of animals, and sincerely respond to their adorable genius no matter how austere their lives become.

The just and the wicked, there's a remarkable difference between world-weary desert-of-the-real morbid tales, and blossoming effervescent dynamic lifeforces ethereally etched with generous compassion.

Thus we see in Pierre Étaix's Yoyo a friendly elephant at different times, who genuinely loves the wee mischievous lad at the auspicious outset and at the conclusion.

Yoyo never really feels quite right when requisitely hobnobbing within the superstructure, and is greatly relieved indeed more down-to-earth when that same caring elephant interrupts his ball.

You see the details of his innocent world magnanimously shared throughout the film, as scene after scene showcases warm unpredictable spontaneous carefree pleasant wonder.

Never lose that love of animals and there's no doubt you'll continue to enjoy this film.

Which inherently investigates artistic re/invention.

From the Silent Film Era to the Age of Television.

*Interesting sounds too.

Yoyo doesn't rely on the stock film sounds you often hear.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Magnitudo immacolata. Resilienza coraggiosa. Tenacia ucraina.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Óaðfinnanleg stærðargráðu. Hugrökk seiglu. úkraínsk þrautseigja.

Favourite Films Viewed in 2024

Chan is Missing
Les quatre cents coups (The 400 Blows)
Jalsaghar (The Music Room)
Pather Panchali
Beau Travail
Whale Rider
Fedrelandet (Songs of Earth)
Gorillas in the Mist

Saturday, January 25, 2025


Salicynerjivinsquid 🐙
exseedentarry g'oll'em'plic 🌱
arachnecroperratavishtek 🕷
clinickultra baladeptwych 

throngularvaeliantseaside 🪰
gargauntuantananachide 🍍
sulfiddle locomelettle y'oak 🥚
calambiaunts hi-flee-fly-fo'k 🐑

involkswagenestle hudubb 🚙 🌎
vehickoreo flumaflub 🪶
pendlumplyricran'derby 🌊

aqueggbert khybergherzkinert 🪺
carmellow sacre-bloomberger 
atentuaeighties campulpit ⛺
flashlightning coalman voltransit 

outfritzierringoalpostie. 🏈

Friday, January 24, 2025

Conference Championship Picks, NFL Playoffs

Washington Commanders/Philadelphia Eagles: the classic divisional matchup in the NFC Conference Championship game, both teams resolutely impressing in shocking fashion this past weekend.  The Commanders pulled off perhaps the greatest upset in NFL postseason history, and the Eagles held on tight in the snow and made huge plays during the blizzard. I haven't picked either of these teams yet this year so it seems like whomever I pick will face adversity, they split their season series a game apiece, Washington arguably only winning due to Hurts's concussion (they still only won by 3 points). Philadelphia's defence was stronger than Washington's there's a big difference in their points totals, even if the Commanders proved last Saturday that they can quickly score a ton. I doubt the Eagles will turn the ball over so much though, a lot of surprising changes of possession last weekend, Philadelphia knows they're blessed with Detroit's loss and will likely be poised to defy this Sunday. But the Commanders remind me of the New York Giants when they won the Super Bowl with Eli Manning (both times), no one expected them to win those games and they even beat Brady's undefeated Patriots. The Eagles have the better team, they've played well the last two weeks, with the Lions out they're no doubt pumped, and the game's in Philadelphia this weekend. They've also won 12 of their last 16 versus Washington even though the Commanders hold a 90 to 85 to 5 all-time head-to-head lead. In all that time they've only met once in the postseason, a Commanders win in 1990. I like both these teams they've both won the Super Bowl they're both indeed well-rounded. However I still kick myself for not picking Eli Manning. Picking Washington in a close one.  

Buffalo Bills/Kansas City Chiefs: for years, Manning and Brady confidently expressed themselves victoriously, winning many a regular season game often complemented by successful postseasons. They had to face each other numerous times in frigid inhospitable January, the first two games no doubt won by the Patriots, the third one seemingly lost to fate. Yet after falling behind 21 to 6 at a foreboding ominous perplexing halftime, Manning defiantly led the troops to a stunning 38 to 34 Colts win. As a Bronco, Manning continued to defeat Brady earning two more Conference Championship wins, another Super Bowl, limitless praise, having finally championed inexhaustibly. The Patriots/Colts/Broncos matchups were consistent feats of herculean competition, perhaps to be matched by the Chiefs and Bills as Mahomes and Allen meet for the fourth time this Sunday. Mahomes owns a 3 and 0 record never having fallen to the Bills in January, Buffalo determined to reverse their fortunes and emerge Conference Champions for the first time this century. Kansas City's been strange this year they never really pull that far ahead (unless they're playing the Texans), but if they fall behind the game's quickly tied up with the Chiefs almost always coming out on top. Apart from an atypical November day after the Grey Cup had just begun, when Mr. Josh Allen ran for 26 yards on 4th down no less to score another Bills touchdown (defeating the Chiefs [Denver also beat them]). Allen holds the regular season edge with a 4 to 1 impressive advantage, now seeking to magnify his success with undaunted exceptional postseason excesses! Who knows what will come to pass, both these teams are having incredible seasons. I doubt Kansas City will turn the ball over. But I still think Buffalo will win. Picking the Bills. Hoping Von Miller makes some big plays! *Just realized that the only team from the NFC East division that Buffalo hasn't played in the Super Bowl is Philadelphia. Switching my NFC Conference Championship pick to the Eagles. Hoping for a Bills/Eagles Super Bowl. 


The generation of ideas overwhelmingly uplifting intent transcendental forces, motivation and effort and impact and relevance reflexively augmenting acrobatic flourishes. 

The barren landscape requiring fuel to effectively germinate healthy crops, thoughtful endeavours in bewitching fecundity profusely cascading integral lounging.

The gradual development at times uneasy the formal onslaught of ceaseless ambition, tirelessly adjusting and diffusely remodelling creative cognizance and bold revelation. 

As the seeds tumultuously take root the world at large commodiously ossifies, the general estimable uptight imposition of regulation and duty opaquely cataloguing.

A family prospers and grows communally depicting dynamic tethers, the enviable tradition wholesomely cajoling duplication and collegiality. 

Yet the unbroken ancient line between holistic custom and random alternative, offbeatly vibrates with tenacious recognition as distressing realities duel and challenge.

Thus the emergence of odd surreal fantastic escapes from the awkward humdrum.

Not necessarily cloaked in tedium.

As daring varieties innately juxtapose. 

The industrious dreamlike imagination inherently bewildered by verdant nutrients, yet still reacting to latent stimuli with in/direct in/coherent lucidity.

It's difficult to narrativize the random thoughts which peculiarly inspire dreams throughout the day, the continuous orchestration of improvised insights sub/consciously manifesting elegant distractions. 

What to do with the cerebral material as it suddenly appears within your mind, especially if there are other tasks at hand austerely demanding your strict attention?

The inexhaustible uncontainable ethereal ameliorations of the human spirit, can't be suffocated by even the most dire and dismal environments as Eraserhead suggests.

The spirit of creation still attempts to alter the blandest of circumstances even if untrained, like a natural intuitive humanistic instinct habitually disseminating art and culture. 

What to do with it remains up to you David Lynch went on to direct brilliant films and television.

Never losing the fascination first displayed in Eraserhead.

Which he spent 5 years making and took a paper route to complete.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Méid gan Smál. Athléimneacht misniúil. Seasmhacht na hÚcráine. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Elephant Man

A gentle soul, curious and thoughtful, is habitually tormented by another, who obscenely profits from his misery and spends next to nothing on his care or comfort.

The individual in question suffers from severe deformities which make him appear extraordinary, people wishing to marvel at his stunning difference and willing to pay for the chance to do so.

No one asks him for his opinion regarding his tragic state of affairs, he isn't consulted his steadfast approval is disregarded, ignored, disdained.

No one talks to him either in fact he's left voiceless and caged and isolated, confronting violence should he humbly protest his scathing chains and caustic fetters.

Fortunately, a kind and sympathetic promising young doctor learns of his struggles, and goes about freeing him from the carnival while searching for a permanent place of residence.

Mr. Merrick is then given the opportunity to calmly express himself and converse, his discussions and observations inquisitively demonstrating tender caring playful cognizance. 

For the first time in his life he's treated with respect and he wholesomely responds with innocent wonder.

As those seeking to exploit him discover his whereabouts.

And set about wildly profiteering. 

A young gifted director with one film to his credit was lovingly tasked with crafting The Elephant Man, David Lynch responding with incisive imagination which still resonates this postmodern day.

The just and the wicked frequently colliding in his chaotic campy down-home daring dramas, we find scenes scenarios that stretch throughout his work in their sophomore distillations in this film.

Is Dr. Frederick Treves who seeks to take away John Merrick's pain and let him live in mindful society, not unlike Special Agent Dale Cooper who genuinely cares for the residents of Twin Peaks?

Is the wretched slave-driver Bytes who makes his living spreading death and decay, harbingers of Frank Booth and Dick Laurent the Baron Harkonnen or the Killer Bob?

The dreamlike fascination with surreal storytelling far beyond what the scene depicts, amorphously anchors our innate curiosity as this early outing creatively transmits.

A good place to start if seeking to learn much much more about David Lynch the filmmaker, while sincerely taking requisite note that the path you're on will get much rockier.

At home with artistically embracing noble and unsettling offbeat emotions.

He spent his life contemplating holistic humanism.

In a bona fide theatre of debutant dreams. 

Monday, January 20, 2025

Snow field goals are my new favourite thing. 🏈

Kifogástalan nagyságrendű. Bátor rugalmasság. Ukrán kitartás.

Saturday, January 18, 2025


Pinacolytebulbusline 🚌
transferailway wildyllincline 🚆
supinelogrhythmicatalis 🪵

incisterminabullutin 🧝
spirisibyleego-carted 🐐
dollepreconslevanatime 🪆
dwelvinaigerratatooblinds 🧝

sunshingulfstrianglobulately 🩸
efficascarcradormatey 🎮 
disengoogoogadjoanjett 👶
isingsangularmamulette 🧿

cadetetritumalchou-huskiwi 🥝
disparagnoschtick-surfeisty 🏄
carnivaliance losanscrikey 🎪


Friday, January 17, 2025

Divisional Round Picks, NFL Playoffs

Houston Texans/Kansas City Chiefs: The Texans/Chargers game was a bit wild as both teams struggled to find a rhythm, Houston in the right place at the right time and making the most of bank errors in their favour. One play was particularly impressive when a fumbled snap looked like it might be a turnover (the score was still close), but C.J Stroud caught it in stride and then threw a 30 to 40 yard pass (that never happens!). I doubt the Chiefs will make many mistakes so it should come down to finesse on the field, Kansas City winning 27 to 19 somewhat recently versus Houston, holding an edge for much of the game. The Chiefs didn't impress as much this season in terms of consistently winning decisive victories, but if the game was close they came out on top almost every time that's beyond good fortune (Denver almost beat them twice). Despite the lack of punishing monumental hard-fought engrossing widespread victories, they still won 15 games that's a big number to take into consideration. Geez Louise, this stat is unfortunate, the Texans have lost in the Divisional Round 5 times since 2011, they've in fact never made it through to the Conference Championships, solid Wild Card play, but nothing beyond that. No need to recap the Chiefs undaunted recent playoff success, can anyone emerge to stop them?, the same team winning all the time breeds decay (unless it's the Broncos). The Texans have managed to avoid the Ravens for now and survived a Wild Card matchup where they made some mistakes, sometimes a team wins with a bit of luck one round and doesn't need any the following week. The Chiefs lead their all-time series 10 to 5 and the temperature looks cold this Saturday in Kansas City (not as cold as the conditions in the Chiefs home win over Miami last year). Spirited fight and sophomore exactitude: without error, the Texans move on (Picking Houston). 

Washington Commanders/Detroit Lions: Washington and Tampa didn't unleash extraordinary unkempt offensive tirades last weekend, but it was still a super competitive down-to-the-last-minute game, that impressed on an otherwise dull Wild Card Weekend. Washington was clearly up for the challenge and will likely be just as ready in Detroit this Saturday, fired up with convincing tenacity for another tight matchup with a similar team. The Lions once again firmly demonstrated that they can score tons of points at any given moment, they ran away with the 2024 season and seem strictly destined for a strong playoff run. They scored the most points in the NFL and their points against was impressive too, apart from the mad shootout with Buffalo which hopefully might be a sign of things to come (not necessarily with Buffalo winning). They swept those damn Packers and Vikings and only lost twice all season long, they scored more than 30 points 10 times indeed, more than 40 five times, more than 50 twice. In other words, they're ready for a shootout and I don't deny that Washington is to, nor that the Commanders could come out on top if they let things loose and give 1,000%. You wait so long for a season like this one and take it to heart with home field however, Detroit deserving of the hard fought advantage they've waited so long to impeccably uphold. These two teams could play in a close one but I imagine the Lions pull too far ahead. Leaving Washington to make audacious decisions. Causing multiple turnovers. Picking Detroit. 

Los Angeles Rams/Philadelphia Eagles: the Rams were ready for the Minnesota Vikings in a riotous display of unsung upset, 6 sacks at least in the first half that was tough to watch if you were cheering for Minnesota. The Eagles impressed versus Green Bay too they were in control for the entire game, and every time the Pack looked like they might put something together Philadelphia responded with uptight dispossession. Once again the Eagles face an opponent whom they've rarely met in the postseason, only twice many years ago one match versus St. Louis they lost both games. The Eagles punished them in November with a 37 to 20 unevenly matched victory, this game could be like the Rams defeating Minnesota last weekend after coming out on top earlier in the year. Their all-time series is close with the Eagles leading 24 to 20 to 1, that's super tight considering how long both teams have had to pull far away in vehement opposition. One potential advantage for L.A could be their defence leading Jalen Hurts to frustration, there was a drive last week versus Green Bay where he tried to do everything on his own unsuccessfully. Nonetheless, if Philadelphia's line doesn't hold he's a lot more mobile than ye olde Darnold, if the Eagles break through like they did versus Minnesota the Eagles will need Hurts's A+ running game. There's something beyond football at work here though the fires in California inspiring the Rams, to express themselves with stern superlatives as they efficiently battle for Lombardi's prize. They're incensed and roguish and determined in their characteristic unyielding quest to win. I don't know if the Eagles can match it. Picking the Rams in Philly in January.

Baltimore Ravens/Buffalo Bills: fitting that this game should be the last one to be played this weekend, I should bashfully state that I'm really looking forward to it, it's like best case if the Broncos aren't playing. But who to cheer for, in one way it's distressing that both these great quarterbacks have to play one another, if Denver can't win every year then it's no doubt fair to see other teams rewarded. Both have played exceptionally well in hard-fought regular seasons for the past 5 years, both are strong candidates for the MVP in 2024, how do you choose between Allen and Jackson? Baltimore has won the Super Bowl twice since moving from Cleveland, a defensive juggernaut reigning victorious in 2000, a surprising unexpected win in 2012, while everyone knows of Buffalo's postseason struggles. Jackson has kept the team competitive since arriving and genuinely frustrated the stalwart opposition, but in the playoffs he falters at times even though he always seems like Super Bowl material. Similarly, Josh Allen can't seem to make his efficient way past the Chiefs, even though he holds a strong regular season record against them, and always seems like he'll come out on top. Both of these incredible QBs always seem like they'll effortlessly win, and keep scoring resoundingly at will as their bitter opponents look on in wonder. You want to see every outstanding QB win the coveted Super Bowl at least once in their lifetime, as loyal Broncos fans were outstandingly rewarded when Elway won twice at the end of his career. These careers aren't at an end there's still plenty of time to win, but the Chiefs aren't as strong this deflated season and the Lions do let in a lot of points on occasion. It looks like a cold one in Buffalo this weekend so it may unfortunately come down to better subzero play (subzero Celsius [cold practise facility]). Wishing both these teams luck since Denver's out. Picking Buffalo in a tight one.

Soleil Ô

It's important to play an active role, to take part, to add your voice, racial discrimination is an unsettling reality that consistently frustrates able bodied workers.

It's wonderful to see when citizens engage and write books or direct films to help struggling minorities, a lot of genuine sympathy and sincere care diligently goes into their compassionate construction.

Soleil Ô follows the plight of African migrants who move to France in the post-colonial period, but it wasn't made by concerned French citizens, it was created by Africans themselves.

According to the colonialist dogma they had been brought up with, they were equal citizens in France, and were surprised to find a lack and housing and employment after they picked up one day and moved there.

The film experiments with narrative techniques as it explores various aspects of racist tensions, which still pop up with alarming regularity there's still so much work to be critically done.

Back in Africa for instance, the abundance of languages is thoughtfully presented, before the colonized citizens have to fight one another in English and French with crosses turned into swords.

A grouchy bigot cantankerously complains about immigration in a relaxed restaurant, before a black singer inspires the patrons and he suddenly changes his stubborn mind.

A mixed-race individual who looks white has to suddenly walk away, from an angry man who just can't help his instinctual hatred and knee-jerk prejudice.

As a white woman and a black man playfully flirt with one another on the street, passers by look on in shock and offer multiple awkward different takes.

Even though black people possess requisite skills they're still forced to work in specific sectors, many of which demand no education and involve industrial cleaning.

I would argue that Soleil Ô's multiple exploratory scenarios, present pioneering mockumentary techniques decades before they became conventional (they may have also been popular at the time but were referred to by a different term).

The comedy is instructive without being violent and there is one character who keeps showing up, the events loosely tailored around his experience as he tries to make coherent sense of things.

It effectively uses humour and logic to rationally comment on distressing realities, hopefully convincing hard-hearted peeps that there are less drastic solutions to economic problems (people shouldn't be assigned specific jobs solely based on the colour of their skin for instance).

First rate experimental cinema perhaps decades ahead of its time, courageously created by the actual citizens whom the racist attitudes affected, Soleil Ô is worth checking out by concerned multicultural citizens, especially because the same attitudes still persist, and need to be fought by the next generation. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Greatly saddened by the recent passing of David Lynch.

Twin Peaks is still my favourite TV show.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Une ampleur immaculée. Une résilience courageuse. Ténacité ukrainienne. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Just wanted to thank the Denver Broncos for another amazing year. 🏈

There's hope for the future for the first time in a while! 🏈

Go Broncos Go! 🏈

Amazing how well Bo Nix played! 🏈

The Cobbler

The honest excelling hardworking days routinely passing without deviation, vital know-how and requisite skill generating consistent reliable business.

A modest son taking care of the fam after the sudden disappearance of his father, mom resigned yet persistently hopeful that one startling day he'll lovingly return.

The old school neighbourhood traditional and lively characteristically existing as it has for many years, local citizens daring and politically active in the stalwart fight against gentrification.

Things proceed the days pass by difference is found in random conversations, with a wide variety of inquisitive clients who on occasion discuss things at length.

Their shoes as well the various designs some intricate fashions or dependable customs, so many lying about in his shop at the somewhat dull end of a typical day.

Until one day his sewing machine rebelliously decides to stubbornly break down.

Leading him to use an old model from the basement.

With wild unknown imaginary features. 

It's a bit far-fetched this world weary Cobbler although it's still well-suited to the heroic times, not as flashy or bedazzling as Marvel or D.C but so much more appealing in the gentle undertow. 

The protagonist isn't a crazy rich genius with unlimited resources at his or her disposal, nor a gifted scientist creatively experimenting with research grants which lavishly facilitate, he's rather a regular humble Joe who genuinely cares about work and family, and even comes around to loving his neighbourhood and his shop's old school place ensconced within it.

He is uncertain as to how to proceed after accidentally discovering the miraculous tool, and engages in spirited trial and error with comic results before taking things seriously.

Indeed he cleverly takes the unsung side of an elderly resident who wants to keep his apartment, and is able to strategically embrace multi-step planning in complex resilient underground economics.

It's cool to see the little guy stand up and industriously help out the people in his community.

It's more organic, not a $60 dollar cheque.

Strong local initiatives. 

Beyond oligarch power.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Immaculate magnitude. Courageous resilience. Ukrainian tenacity.

Praying for peace in Gaza.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

I know it's a lot more complicated than this, but why isn't the greatest army the Earth has ever known battling the forest fires in California with all of their unprecedented exceptional characteristic might?

Doesn't make sense.

Osnovni pidshypnyky. Vynyatkova tsilisnisť. Ukrayins'ka nezdolannisť.

Molytva za myr u Hazi.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Broncos! 🏈 🐎


Fervideey'ore gluminescent 🫏 📼
delijah-ah carcajoule 🥪
verdenizentrocrepuscule 📗

zuzuulu twiggloup-gurougeux 🐺
ramblimpy seraskimcheesies 
cherubic'ott(s)er'enity 👼🦦

maltecholesloblawbster-newburg 🦞
coruscanteberrefueller 🫐🍓
adriarcticycliqueue-lu's ❆
aegeenie-meenie-borgnine-hue 🖥

t'es'Schoubert gridironclad curmudge 🏈
reflexistential like-a-glove 🥊
Bo'dacious mintuition solar 🌞
grizzly-glacier-spirit-grolar 🐻


Friday, January 10, 2025

Super Wild Card Weekend Picks, NFL Playoffs

Los Angeles Chargers/Houston Texans: it still remains fathomable if not potentially unlikely that Justin Herbert and the L.A Chargers will make a playoff run some day, to make up for the ways in which you never hear anything about them, even though they consistently win big regular season games. The Chargers have only won one playoff game in the last 10 playoff years, and are no doubt seeking to alter that statistic, the task by no means easy to victoriously fulfill. Houston played well enough this year, handing Buffalo one of their only losses, they also kept it close with Kansas City, Green Bay, and Detroit, while losing big to Baltimore and Minnesota. When they played Baltimore on Christmas I was hoping to see a closer game than their matchup last January, but the Ravens still convincingly dominated, which made me think they hadn't improved enough. Houston's won 3 of their last 5 versus the Chargers but L.A holds a 6 to 3 lifetime advantage, winning their most recent game in 2022, while finishing with one more win in a much tougher division this year. The Texan's offensive and defensive stats are dead even they let in and scored 372, while the Chargers scored 100 more than they let in, generating better stats on both sides of the ball. Houston did win a huge playoff game last season when C. J. Stroud was a rookie no less, and they're playing at home again this upcoming Saturday, which may give them a slight advantage. But I find I can't overlook the Super Bowl-less Chargers especially since this weekend they aren't playing the Broncos.  Even if Houston has never won it too, I'm still picking defiant L.A.

Pittsburgh Steelers/Baltimore Ravens: generally cool to see division rivals face off in the playoffs, the Ravens and Steelers no strangers to each other often playing some of the best regular season games. The Steelers have been good forever and the Ravens have played quite well for many years, it's exciting to see them playing again this Saturday, hoping it's another incredibly close one. Oddly, while I thought their regular season numbers would have indeed been much closer, it looks like Pittsburgh has clearly dominated, winning 4 of the last 5. Unless there's a problem with the Football Database, the stats should be legit, I'm sorry for the foolish doubt casting, I just don't understand how Baltimore could have lost so many times. Pittsburgh has actually won 8 of their last 10 - this is crazy - the Ravens have been crazy good for years, it's like the Penguins vs. the Capitals, Pittsburgh just has their number. These stats are at times reversed in the playoffs and the team that often wins finds themselves losing (I actually got the Penguins/Capitals stats from the playoffs, I don't know much about their regular season tallies), or engaged in a really tight game that delivers right down to the wire. The Steelers have lost 4 in a row albeit their schedule was super intense, while the Ravens have won their last 4, their schedule somewhat less daunting (not much though [one of their wins was against Pittsburgh]). Baltimore did lose to the Raiders and Browns this year, so it seems that at times they don't take their opponents seriously, but they also beat Buffalo by a lopsided margin, and the Commanders, Chargers, Bucs, Bengals (2), and Texans. Both teams are battle hardened from tough schedules they've both been playing playoff football all season long. The Ravens are at home and have better stats though. Picking Baltimore once again.  

Denver Broncos/Buffalo Bills: so happy to see the Broncos back in the playoffs! 🐎 Led by Mr. Bo Nix and an all-star defence! Pickin' Denver by 17. 🏈 

Green Bay Packers/Philadelphia Eagles: I imagine there are a lot of teams that other teams don't want to play this postseason, and at times they're stuck playing each other, with no alternative but to give 1,000%. The Eagles competed for top seed and were super impressive in 2024, they almost swept the NFC East, and defeated the Packers in Week 1. Nevertheless, they may have 3 more wins than Green Bay but their points for is only slightly better, the Pack having let in 35 more, that's not a huge difference on defence either. The NFC East had some good teams this year but the NFC North was one of the best divisions ever (the AFC West was also pretty good), seeing two teams compete for top conference seed in the final week, with a third team making the playoffs after winning 11 games. They met for the first time in the playoffs in 1960, when the Eagles defeated the Pack for the NFL Championship, Philadelphia winning again in 2003, Green Bay upholding victory in 2010. They haven't met very often in January considering how well both these teams have played in my lifetime (and how old they are), which adds some excitement to the game, although it'd still be pretty thrilling either way. The Eagles have lost three Wild Card games since winning the Super Bowl in 2017 (winning 1), while the Packers are 4 and 1 in the Wild Card round since winning the Super Bowl in 2010, this Sunday's matchup still a whole new ball game, independent of season or strategy. Both teams surprised a lot of people last year, Green Bay with a big unexpected win versus Dallas, Philadelphia with a surprising loss to Tampa Bay, a lot of these stats are looking to herald the Pack, which means the Eagles may be a safe bet. Bearing the 2024 season in mind, they both had outstanding teams, and will be exceedingly difficult to beat, at home or on the challenging road. It's tough to decide, but when that happens, why not stick with the Pack? Picking Green Bay on the road. I'd rather see them lose to Detroit.

Washington Commanders/Tampa Bay Buccaneers: sometimes there's a little bit of übermagic that accompanies the NFL playoffs, for definitive proof you need look no further than the compelling Commanders/Bucs game this upcoming Sunday. Washington has the better record and they played in a tougher division, but Tampa still scored a ton which demonstrated they can effectively move the ball. The Bucs in fact scored 30 or more points 8 times this season, while the Commanders almost matched them at 7, imagine the playoffs had taken place in September and October, could have been a completely different ball game. Tampa also handed Detroit one of their only losses this year and took Kansas City to overtime, not to mention a 37 to 20 victory over Washington in week 1, long ago, but still interrogative (playoffs in September and October except for week 1)(note: TB lost to Denver). The Commanders managed to beat the Eagles and Bengals and kept it close with Pittsburgh and Baltimore, it was cool to see them play so well, it's been so long since they won a playoff game (2005). For their last trip to the NFL playoffs they fittingly faced off against Tampa Bay, coming up short versus Mr. Tom Brady, but still demonstrating pluck and tenacity. Both teams let in similar totals in 2024 and scored close to the same amounts as well, they seem pretty evenly matched at the end of the day, this could be an incredible shootout. Baker Mayfield is no stranger to Wild Card Victory in the ye olde explosive and surprising postseason, but could come out overconfident, giving Jayden Daniels room to manoeuvre. It'd be nice to see the struggling Commanders pick up their first playoff win in almost two decades, they were quite prominent in my youth, it's been odd to see them struggling for so long. But I can't forget one freezing winter when a loyal Bucs fan cheered on the Broncos (when no one else did). Picking Tampa Bay in a close one. Irresistible unpredictability.   

Minnesota Vikings/Los Angeles Rams: exceedingly cruel to have to play on the road after finishing the year with a 14 and 3 record, yet that's the situation the Vikings find themselves in after falling to the Lions last Sunday. I never really bought into the Vikings this year and kept thinking they'd lose all season long, but they certainly impressed way beyond my expectations and are looking like fearsome contenders. 4 more wins is significant, they have four more wins than the Rams, and their division was one of the strongest ever (the AFC West also very good this year), that's something to take into serious consideration. It's not that the Rams didn't play well, they notably beat Buffalo in a tight shootout, took the Lions to overtime, and even defeated Minnesota 30 to 20 (they could come up big again).  They didn't look incredibly good versus teams that weren't playoff contenders though, which suggests they could have taken things more seriously, like they did when intensely challenged. The Vikings hold the playoff edge, beating the Rams 4 times while only losing twice, and lead their all-time head-to-head series also, 27 to 19 to 2. They smoked the Texans and beat the Packers twice, while picking up a win versus Seattle, they haven't won a playoff game since 2019, they must be hungry and out to prove themselves. The Rams have had a ton of playoff success since 2018 however, their coach consistently winning huge significant games with everything on the line with different quarterbacks. Honestly, my gut is saying L.A is going to win this one I don't know why it's not rational, but I'm also suffering from the Keto-flu and have been off in recent years. Nevertheless, my favourite NFC playoff scenario indeed proceeds as follows, the Lions finally make the Super Bowl, after so so many difficult years. And what better way to make it than to defeat Green Bay and Minnesota along the way. Which means the Vikings will have to win this weekend. I'm afraid I'm picking Minnesota. 

*Statistics from Wikipedia, Google and The Football Database. 

**Go Broncos!


A method of travel once widespread and common effectively navigating the wild frontier, transporting people 'cross rugged uninhabited tempestuous forbidden exhaustive terrain. 

The sturdy stagecoach led by agile beasts 🐎 resiliently determined to reach sundry locations, forthright and steady disalarming reliable stalwart steads industriously envisioned. 

Things were somewhat more divisive back then and uptight crusaders could run you out of town, in John Ford's Stagecoach indubitably indeed we find alternative dispositions hitching a ride.

The alcoholic doctor dipsomanically settles in serendipitously next to a whiskey salesperson, a notorious gambler respectful of gentility also joining the stealthy coach.

The journey will take them through hostile lands where the ancient citizens have not been consulted, the domain historically occupied by them their inherent disfavour no doubt justified.

The army will only follow the passengers for a relatively short distance before departing. 

The telegraph line has also been cut.

The resonant danger lurid and taunting.

I had the wrong idea about ye olde Stagecoach I thought it had more of a stiff upper lip, but several of the characters elaborately entwined don't necessarily follow paths straight and narrow.

I was surprised to see that the trusty John Wayne was playing an escaped convict in search of bloodshed, not a lawman or general or pilot just a lovestruck honest to God cool reckless kid.

Those in possession of non-traditional tendencies are given room to orthodoxly manoeuvre, the doctor abandoning liquor to deliver a baby, the lady of the night inspiring conjugal love.

The interrelations between the three cultures the Spanish and British and Native compatriots, are melodiously presented in ethereal song before troubling antipathies erupt once again.

I'd like to learn more about the 17th and 18th centuries and how often British peopled joined Native tribes.

I suspect it happened much more often than imagined.

Details perhaps found in the Library of Congress.

Until then compassionately note that Stagecoach is an entertaining reflection of the times.

Well beyond austere considerations. 

With a tenderhearted endearing finale.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Broncos! 🏈

Aparaítita roulemán. Exairetikí akeraiótita. Oukranikó anypérvlito. 

Prosefchí gia eiríni sti Gáza.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Bearings hanfodol. Uniondeb eithriadol. Anorchfygol Wcreineg.

Gweddïo am heddwch yn Gaza.

Broncos! 🏈

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Transformers: The Movie

The famished malevolent Unicron proceeds uncontested throughout the Universe, devouring planets as he randomly travels destructively immersed within timeless space.

As he approaches Cybertron, the Decepticon leadership battles the Autobots, who have retreated to two of its moons and Autobot City upon planet Earth.

The battle is feverishly fought both sides taking heavy casualties, Megatron and Optimus Prime fearsomely opposing one another with embittered fortitude.

As the leaders tumultuously duel, they deal each other fatal blows, Optimus forced to give up the Matrix of Leadership, Starscream banishing Megatron thereafter.

Nevertheless, Unicron has foreseen that only one thing can possibly destroy him, the coveted heralded respected Matrix of honest and fair immaculate Leadership.

He finds Megatron drifting through space and begrudgingly transforms him into Galvatron, before tasking him with furtively retrieving the ancient Matrix foreverafter. 

Always crafty, Megatron decides that if he finds it he'll harness its powers, to defeat ye olde Unicron whom he rather dislikes for presuming omniscience.

But foolish Megatron ignorantly forgets that the divine Matrix only supports just leadership.

The Autobots also seeking to stop Unicron.

As their fight wages throughout the Galaxy.

If you happened to be born at the right time I doubt you'll ever tire of its soundtrack, Transformers: The Movie distilling a passionate craze of robotic rhythms and electro wavelengths. 

It abounds with versatile transformers as one product line replaces another, a trajectory perhaps not followed by other toy brand films after many audiences erupted in fury.

Noble proclamations exuding sublime paths of innocently-defined righteous leadership, embrace community or open-minded togetherness with characteristic sincere savvy. 

Age and youth within the continuum continue their wise and impulsive dialogues, as the reckless Hot Rod and the weathered Kup dispute various subjects throughout their travels.

As Optimus Prime graciously fades it's tough to imagine the Autobots without him, and somewhat frustrating that Megatron bounces back within the film while he does not.

Perhaps another feature that was widely criticized.

The animosity fading with age.

Love watching this film again and again.

Old school longevity, luminescent viscosity. 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Broncos! 🏈

Rodamentos esenciais. Integridade excepcional. Insuperabilidade ucraína. 

Rezando pola paz en Gaza.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Essensjele lagers. Útsûnderlike yntegriteit. Ukrainian insurmountability. 

Bidden foar frede yn Gaza.

Broncos! 🏈

Mr. Bo Nix! Defence! Broncos! 🏈

Saturday, January 4, 2025


burgerberger mohairduckling

pickult moomalt summaresults
impulsardonic electronic

agillywheedle caribeagle
scubarking kerplingeregal

tapioakabaltic mosea
sauntie-gremnity comprosé
lintersection folkallection
yondairebore vintrospection


Friday, January 3, 2025


Genuine love illuminatingly transcends routine day-to-day orthodox trajectories, ingeniously transmitting ethereal dispatches with sincere wholesome munificent dignity. 

But alas, the blesséd union is cruelly and inhumanely torn asunder, as envious death jealously rises then indelicately vanishes with one tortured soul.

Time passes and the surviving member is once again pursued by an old sweetheart, who waited patiently year after year and never gave up after considerable rejection.

A date is set they are to be married friends and family traditionally applaud, but one unexpected mischievous guest suddenly shows up with spiritual discourse.

He claims that he's the bride's enamoured ex-husband and that he's still wholeheartedly in love, the reincarnated reanimated spirit lithe and active within a 10 yr. old.

He's initially dismissed for unfairly toying with mournful feelings and morose emotions, and disrupting an upcoming marriage with zealous uncouth disparaging diatribes.

But he knows so much so many intimate details that were only shared between husband and wife.

Has the spirit world brought their moribund marriage back to life?

Or is the euphoria immaterial and inconclusive?

Somewhat absurd yet still innocent and tender you see the trusting lovelight altruistically shining through, as the bewildered ex-wife falls again for her husband with grave awkward grace and solemn credulity.

Even though he's only 10 and won't be fit to wed for another decade or so, she still considers the traditional role she once dutifully played with authentic temperance. 

I felt bad for the hopeful new husband who waited so long to fulfill his desire, true love and the fates egregiously mocking his steadfast and true uncorrupted fidelity. 

To wait so long and have your wedding annulled after a child shows up claiming to be your bride's ex-husband, would have been a shock too much to bear as furiously related one embarrassing evening.

The contemporary nature of the film sombrely scored with classical melodies, gives it a haunting stern humble edge wherein which you might find reincarnated frequencies. 

The characters are also wealthy (or bourgeois or struggling) enough to take such things seriously without qualm or misgiving.

To resplendently fall for true love everlasting.

Through immortal time.

In eternal disregard. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Välttämättömät laakerit. Poikkeuksellinen eheys. Ukrainian ylitsepääsemättömyys.

Rukoilemme rauhan puolesta Gazassa. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Mr. Bo Nix! Broncos! 🏈

The coolest Christmas-related-thought I had this year: dress up like Santa, and go around distributing $1,000 gift certificates to people who have to work on Christmas Day. 

I don't make nearly enough to be able to do that.

It would be cool if someone did though!


Rodamientos esenciales. Integridad excepcional. Insuperabilidad ucraniana. 

Orando por la paz en Gaza.