Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Travelling Light: Artists on the Move

Artists on the move. Searching, dreaming, defining, changing, creating. Blowin' in the wind. Breezy and contemplative, subjectively seductive, alive. Change motivates the five artists showcased within Támas Wormser's Travelling Light: Artists on the Move, a film which presents genuinely discursive characters seeking inspiration throughout the globe. Occasionally maudlin, often poignant, the provocative thoughts presented by these bohemians will reverberate vivaciously within any (de)centralized soul, who is seeking meaning from unmitigated migration. Art through intuition, reified fluctuation, and unified disintegration, a must see for anyone seeking solid representations of the free-flowing artistic lifestyle. And others as well.

Travelling Light opens with a number of moving images whose formal motion influences the content of the film. But their presence is somewhat obvious and lacks the formal subtlety enacted by the resident artists. My comments may be to hasty, however, for the film seems to have taken this criticism into account by metaphorically traveling light.

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