Thursday, June 6, 2013

Jagten (The Hunt)

An asphyxiating altercating articulation of innocence incrementally fuels fratricidal flames until an upright loving gregarious educator's life lies holistically in ruin.

Thomas Vinterberg patiently and poignantly crafts a traumatic testament of angelic ostracization as a joyful lifelong friend slowly idealizes the abject.

The childlike recreational pursuits of a supportive communal cohesivity introduced at Jagten's (The Hunt's) outset haunts its terrorized reels in an acerbic antiseptic embodiment of consternated dramatic horror.

Nowhere to go.

No reason to run.

The truth's condemnatory instinct is diatonically disreputed as media sensations are pastorally localized.

Difficult and controversial subject matter.

A didactic tool designed to encourage pause and reflection in order to accentuate the right that one is innocent until proven guilty.

And what can happen if that guilt is assumed inveterately beforehand.

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