Monday, October 19, 2015

It saddens me to write this, but tonight is a night for celebration.

I honestly thought Mulcair would make a better prime minister than Justin Trudeau, but that didn't happen, and Trudeau's not so bad.

I couldn't believe how he turned things around after the Maclean's debate.

He started making inspiring speeches, and, good points. 

I thought Mulcair was more eloquent and erudite, but he unfortunately never took off with the electorate the way Layton did.

The parties aren't that different really, on a number of issues, and you wonder if their attempts to differentiate themselves only bring them closer together. 

I would love to see the Liberals introduce proportional representation in parliament. 

Your vote really can matter in a proportional representation system. 

You don't have to vote strategically.

You can vote for the party you want to win.

I did vote for the NDP. 

But wow did the Liberals ever sell Trudeau well.

And did he ever rise to the occasion.

He looked like a teenager compared to Mulcair and Harper in the Maclean's debate.

And it was like that teenager hit his early forties less than a week later.

And his youth so mesmerizingly contrasted Harper and Mulcair's aged wisdom that he was able to boldly refine a new vision for Canada, one rich with youthful energy, that's hard not to dismiss.

I like having a young hipsteresque Prime Minister.

Was really hoping the NDP would still hold the balance of power in parliament in a minority situation. 

It's still early.

Maybe they still will.

The best shot the NDP's ever had, brought down by the niqab.


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