Tuesday, November 7, 2017

An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power

Positive growth.

Sustained undaunted environmental activism.

Mr. Al Gore and his inspiring message of hope, brilliantly documented in An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, invigoratingly offers contemporary scientific fact to fight the baseless rhetoric of the Trump administration, with both compelling truths and constructive consensus.

According to Dune, "fear is the mind killer."

Gore casts it as despair, and rationally comments upon how crushing blows to a movement, in this case Trump's ignorant decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Accord, for starters, can lead members/supporters/leaders/partners to be overwhelmed by grief and hopelessness, even though the movement still exists, even though hope is still flourishing.

His unwavering commitment provides those who believe that climate change can be reversed, that citizens of dynamic metropolises can stop breathing in a pack of cigarettes a day, that economies which no longer rely on mass fossil fuel consumption can be created, that rivers, lakes, and oceans can stop being experimental dumping grounds for toxic pollutants, destroyed by unethical businesses who won't bear the costs of conducting their affairs responsibly, with a shining flame which will not be extinguished, no matter how obstinate, well-financed, destructive, and dismissive the opposition, launching attack after attack on one's personal credibility, their well-oiled obsessions with everlastingly increasing profits driving thousands of species to extinction, while continuing to recklessly contaminate inhabitable symbiotic environments.

Politics can achieve these ends if people continue to lobby politicians to produce effective change.

The Democrats may be in a bit of a tailspin, but they'll soon be back and ready to govern.

Gore points out how markets for wind and solar are rapidly expanding throughout the world and that some cities within the United States (Texas included) now meet all of their energy demands with renewable resources.

Not bad.

How does the old argument work?

Yes, if 99% of a group believes in something and 1% challenges this belief, it's the 1% who may see things more clearly.

This argument can be effective, and if Copernicus hadn't challenged religious viewpoints that the world was flat we may still be living in a much less imaginative globe.

But professional scientists are a highly independent well-educated group, and around 99% of them maintain climate change is real.

That's a high percentage for independent thinkers.

Getting highly independent well-educated people to agree about anything is next to impossible, yet here we have 99% of a highly independent well-educated group agreeing that climate change is real, and 1% of them possibly earning mad profits to spurn them.

Such challenges are highly suspect.

Getting sick from swimming in a river or walking to a store in extreme heat or having your town destroyed by a hurricane isn't.

As Gore points out, mass destructive weather events are increasing worldwide.

Climate change is real and alternative energy sources can produce mass wealth.

Adopting renewable energy sources to supply your municipality with power isn't a socialist plot, it's capitalism, plain and simple.

The title of the film is misleading.

Alternative energy sources couldn't be more relevant.

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