Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Well, if the end of February blues get you down from time to time, Winter having been around for oh so very long, and you like politics, just think about Trudeau's recent trip to India, and try not to burst out laughing.

Every time.

It doesn't get old.

Not that screwing up trade relations with a major global economic player for the foreseeable future is a humorous subject, but still, I can't help it, every time I think of Trudeau in India I start to smile and laugh, like when I used to remember a Saturday Night Live skit the next week when I was between the ages of 12 and 17, it's that hilarious.

And he's the Prime Minister who's legalizing pot.

I support the legalization of marijuana, as I've mentioned before, but it's still fitting that Mr. Trudeau will be the one to finally legalize it, especially after his disastrous trip to India.

With the Canadian prime minister inviting ex-convicts to state dinners in foreign countries, and the American prime minister arming teachers across the country to prepare them for shootouts with disgruntled students, I'm currently looking to whomever Mexico's head of state is for North American leadership, for the first time, in the history of ever.

Good thing the NDP's still running a tight ship across the country.

The NDP is always there for sound guidance backed up by conscientious government.

*Don't let history forget that Trump has suggested arming his nation's pedagogical elite to do battle with wayward members of their flocks. Don't let history forget about this incident. It happened. It's real. He really did suggest that.

Don't forget.

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