Friday, April 13, 2018


And an exemplar was disseminated, wherein which individuals expressed themselves extemporaneously even though they had observed strict routines throughout much of their bourgeois lives, tradition and structure briefly withdrawing as overwhelming desires to alternatively communicate built up deep inside and triumphantly exhaled, a fluid gesture of harmless defiance joyously reverberating across uninhabited terrain, passing by unremarkably, the absurdity of his post and its accompanying limitless wastelands failing to generate correspondingly desolate emotions as underdeveloped independent curiosity refuses to acknowledge the austere, revellers brazen enough to pass by in good cheer suddenly transforming codes that had been youthfully displaced into bloodshed, paranoid precedents instantaneously shocking generally carefree lives, the error rapidly covered up thereafter, buried for archaeological posterity, denoted with novel graphic agency.

The drawing generating metaphorical comment.

As mourning subsides.

And love reemerges.

Making light of solemnities has sombre consequences for the denizens of Samuel Maoz's Foxtrot, as if the temptation to relax one's guard is as dangerous as it is emancipating.

The natural world countermands privileged influence within, as tensions between freedom and discipline maddeningly shock obliged quotidian necessities.

The commodification of ancient heirlooms disastrously curses the present, as tantalizing postmodern accessories addictively dominate the senses.

Extreme grief is benevolently replaced by joy before the utmost cruelty coincidentally descends.

Historical repercussions infinitely bewildering.

Combative contiguities.

Subjective cries.

The film excels at presenting free spirits tormented by regulations that must be upheld, accentuating the blasé to manifest torrential tears while cosmically suggesting there is no reasonable alternative.

The conjugal rapprochement which characterizes its concluding moments abound with blissful acquiescence.


As a couple audaciously expresses itself by sharing truthful thoughts.

What they still have rich in wonder.

Integrity, variability, mystery.

Adventure imaginatively narrativizing.


After work finishes up.

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