Sunday, November 11, 2018

Points of Clarification

I try not to criticize too harshly when creative expression is involved unless it's mean spirited because I find it to be a rather uncouth way of expressing oneself.

However, if journalists, notably political journalists in the United States, such as Jim Acosta, want to ask tough questions to people who frankly deserve harsh criticism, who bring it upon themselves practically every minute of every day, that's fine with me, I think they're just doing their jobs.

I would have have waited outside in a blizzard to attend a Remembrance Day event, -45 below, that's just what I do.

I'm sorry I posted my Tully review close to the time when Ireland voted to legalize abortion. I don't like to write about abortion due to familial controversies, and I like to write about motherhood because I love moms, but obviously I fully support a woman's right to choose. It's the woman's body and her choice, plain and simple, I honestly think men shouldn't be able to legislate the matter, it's a woman's choice alone, and probably the most difficult choice any of them ever have to make. I don't think anyone ever wants to have one. But having the option is a woman's right.

And my Laissez bronzer les cadavres review was my Halloween review. It's one of the best reviews I think I've ever written. I would really have liked to post it another time but there's really no good time to post a review of a film that happens to have that title. I cannot help what artists choose to name their films. And wish gun control laws in the United States were stricter.

I cannot line these blogs up with world events although I try.

I exist left of centre and support peaceful political means of accomplishing international goals.

I doubt politics will ever effectively combat climate change.

Until a major environmental disaster forces politicians to do something.

Shakespeare didn't shy away from comedy because it was frowned upon.

I'm not like Shakespeare, but he understood the value of a good laugh.

Comedy has changed remarkably in the last 15 years.

Note that I believe the best comedians get laughs without resorting to racism.

Like Steve Martin and SCTV way back.

From what I remember.

Those were much more peaceful times.

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