Saturday, February 23, 2019


Plunging elemental cryo
genic calisthenic hiero
diptyched polar centigrade
tempestuous ping ponged cascade

the temp'rature in idle flux
routinely stakes a downward thrust
in fetters polled immobilized
nothing escapes consoled descried

but just as often lo as swift
ascending elevations crypt
a brief respite aquatic bellows
shades of aeronautic cello

skates applied the ice so thick
you freely glide throughout the pitch
aware the clockworked salty morrow
frees the blizzard's uptight toro


*The weather keeps fluctuating but a pattern's developed. A couple days a week it's brutally cold, then the temperature goes up and everything starts melting, then it drops and the water freezes, then there's more snow.

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