Wednesday, September 22, 2021

I'm not kissing up, I'm not trying to flatter, I'm just mentioning how I see the situation. I think Justin Trudeau is a great guy who really cares about people no matter their race or creed. With CERB, he's gone above and beyond to help people through difficult times and I think that's a great thing. He seems like the kind of guy you could easily have a beer with after a long hard day of productive work. He's made some mistakes of course, most politicians do, but he's also created progressive legislation that will eventually help millions of struggling families. My thoughts are the same for Jagmeet Singh. He's a classic NDP leader who genuinely cares about Canadian and Québecois families. And honestly, Erin O'Toole also seems like a great guy, we're lucky to have such a cool bunch of politicians in Canada and Québec at the moment, along with, I'll admit it, my current favourite federal leader, Yves Blanchet, although I want Québec to remain an integral part of Canada. I'm really hoping there are no more elections for a long time and that our minority parliament cuts down a bit on spending when the pandemic is over. Where to cross t's and dot i's, I'm not sure, but our deficit is massive every year, and it would be great if it decreased in upcoming post-pandemic parliaments, while legislation still finds ways to progress. 

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