Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Café Society

Maybe, some more thought could have been put into Café Society.

Perhaps Woody Allen should take some time off, regroup, refresh, relax, recalibrate.

It's possibly a classic exemplar of hubris, of a feeling of invincibility.

You can tell the script is shrewdly written with a diverse variety of characters set up in micro and macro familial oppositions, but it's still sort of superficial, depth is lacking, like reputation rather than intellect is guiding each energetic expression.

The script is more like a first draft than a polished masterpiece.

The elements that might have been transformed into something Oscar worthy are there but it's like Allen forgot to spruce things up, so that rather than vigorously devouring a hearty multidimensional thought provoking eccentricity, parts of his audience are stuck with the stock, and remain famished as the closing credits role.

I think he liked writing this one.

The characters don't really develop apart from Bobby (Jesse Eisenberg) and just predictably interact with one another blandly as the film prattles on.

Casting off hubris to enlighten modesty which slowly and painfully crystallizes as the barrage of counterarguments inquisitively adjudicate checks such tendencies.

Or not, maybe he's just on a bit of a losing streak, he has made 46 films, they can't all be Annie Hall or Midnight in Paris.

Some of them are bound to be not so great.

Although, ahem!, In Search of Lost Time rarely errs, Proust having possessed that inextinguishable everlasting implausibility that hardly ever accepted anything less than pure genius, and he proceeded the entire time as if he was a witless fool.

Wes Anderson?

Alejandro González Iñárritu?

Solid cinematography (Vittorio Storaro) and Kristen Stewart (Vonnie) impresses.

The narration could have been left out or seriously cut back.

The music's too Woody Allen.

It's worse the second time.

Who am I to critique Woody Allen?, doubt I could consistently come up with wonderful films year after year, decade after decade, 46 of them so far, that's freakin' nutso.

I fast incarcerated.

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