Wednesday, August 25, 2021

It would be nice if politicians made good on their promises to do something about soaring house prices after this election. 

The way I see it, if you want to own a home in Toronto or Vancouver, you have to think multigenerationally, that is, one generation picks up the mortgage, they leave their home to their children who assume what's left of the debt after 20 years or so, and then they leave what's left of the debt to their children after another 20 years, who are hopefully in a position to pay it off after another 20 years or so.


That's crappy.

It would be nice if rents went down across the board too.

Don't cities need hundreds of thousands of people with disposable incomes to maintain a thriving commercial sector, which in turn generates tourism, not to mention a lot of cool stuff?

Isn't that better than a handful of people pocketing most of the disposable income that would have been used to diversify the city, and then spending it on lavish vacations abroad?


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