Monday, March 9, 2020

I really like Bernie Sanders.

I imagine Joe Biden is a great politician too, but look at the movement Bernie's built, look at how passionately he cares about equal rights.

I think Trump is one of the greatest showmen America's ever produced, it's a scary kind of showmanship, but I'd argue he's worked his way into the minds of every American citizen, by being nothing but controversial about everything, since taking office.

I can't think of the United States without thinking about him. That's how much space he's dominated in the public sphere for the last 5 years (because the media won't stop focusing on him because he sells so many papers). He's worked his way into the American subconscious in a way I doubt any other president ever has. He's done it unscrupulously. But he's still done it. And it's frightening.

Sanders plays the game the same way Trump does but he's like the knight hunting the dragon. I think you need the impassioned pleas for justice that Sanders makes to take on Trump's American juggernaut.

I don't think Biden can do it. I think he's more like John Kerry, but I could very well be wrong.

Perhaps the U.S does need to switch back to something more traditional, and perhaps American voters would get behind that.

But I think the Joker needs Batman too, Windom Earle needs Dale Cooper, just like Trump needs Sanders, not Commissioner Gordon or Gordon Cole.

I seriously think Trump vs. Sanders would be an epic election showdown the likes of which the world has never seen.

Sanders only seems radical in the United States.

In Canada, Europe, Australia, etc., he doesn't seem radical, he just wants a more level playing field, more opportunity for hardworking Americans.

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