Wednesday, March 25, 2020

I'm thinking YouTube will experience significant growth in the upcoming weeks, and am hoping it's a golden age of YouTubian expression.

I imagine folk musicians are coming up with some great stuff.

With everyone else creating all kinds of who knows what.

There's a downside to an overabundance of YouTubian enterprise, however, in terms of the potential proliferation of doomsday scenarios.

Make sure to watch out for them.

Note: if China can stop the spread of the virus, so can we.

If you do find yourself curious about what kind of apocalyptic advertising is taking place on YouTube, however, and you avidly consume such discourse, try dividing what you see into the following four categories, it could make for some counterproductive fun!

1. Batshit Crazy
2. Off-your-rocker
3. Slightly Nutters
4. Nutso

There's a good book there if not a funny metaYouTube video, if you like that kind of thing, and have some extra time on your hands.

People may be coming up with all kinds of crazy stuff.

Remember to evaluate and critique.

Try not to get caught up in the mayhem.

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